The eBullet: Volume 12 Special Edition Remembering Andy Griffith July 2012
The eBullet
An Online Newsletter of “The Andy Griffith Show” Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC)
Volume 12, Special Edition Remembering Andy Griffith
July 2012
Editor’s Note
The passing of Andy Griffith on July 3 has been an incredibly sad loss for our community of Mayberry friends and fans, and for the world beyond Mayberry. His passing has left all of us filled with tremendous sorrow. Our hearts go out especially to Cindi Griffith and his other family and close circle of friends.
Many of us were still just coming to grips with the passing in May of George Lindsey and Doug Dillard, both Mayberry legends and friends. The passing of Andy has now left us numb with grief.
Born in North Carolina in 1960, I have no recollection of a time without Andy Griffith and “The Andy Griffith Show.” Andy and the show have been part of the “fabric of my life.” Since the founding of TAGSRWC in 1979 and especially since we became organized with chapters, a newsletter and events starting in 1982, scarcely a day has gone by where thoughts of Andy Griffith and the show don’t cross my mind–often continually on any given day.
When not doing things directly related to TAGSRWC, my profession as a freelance writer has, more often than not, involved Mayberry. Every one of the couple of dozen books I’ve written (most with Ken Beck) has had some mention of or connection to Mayberry–even New Mexico Trivia. And yet, as much as I’ve written and thought about Andy Griffith and Mayberry for my entire life, I find myself really struggling in my sadness to find adequate words to express the full admiration and appreciation I have for Andy.
Someone once said, “They call it ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ for a reason. That statement nicely sums up Andy’s importance to Mayberry, but it doesn’t come close to capturing my feelings about and respect for Andy Griffith the person.
Like many other Mayberry fans, I feel somewhat like a beaten-up prizefighter right now. The one-two punch of the passings of George Lindsey and Doug Dillard knocked me to the canvas. But I got up, ready to keep swinging. The passing of Andy Griffith has been another devastating blow to both my head and my heart. I find myself, at least emotionally, still pretty much lying flat on the canvas in the ring.
When I eventually stagger back to my feet and get ready to give and take more punches, I hope I’ll be better able to translate my thoughts and feelings into words about what Andy Griffith has meant–and continues to mean–to me. For now and for the purposes of this tribute, I’m going to lean heavily on the beautiful, touching and often poetic words of others as they have reacted to the news of Andy’s death and have reflected on his life and what he has meant to them.
Many of the comments are ones gathered exclusively for this eBullet tribute. Others are from public statements and from social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. For others, notably Ron Howard, Betty Lynn and Emmett Forrest, we have links to moving interviews they did for TV and newspapers.
If you haven’t already done so, I also encourage you to check out the coverage and tributes, including a special photo album, on TAGSRWC’s Facebook page ( And we have an Andy Griffith Memorial page on, where you can also leave your own thoughts and remembrances.
At the bottom of this issue, we’re also providing numerous links to some of the best obituaries and stories done by other news media. The coverage has been extensive and overwhelmingly positive. The outpouring from friends and fans has been extraordinary.
As sad as this month has been for our Mayberry world and now tragically for places like Aurora, there are still lots of happier things going on, including Mayberry Days, coming up Sept. 26-30, in Mount Airy, N.C., where joyful tributes to Andy Griffith, George Lindsey and Doug Dillard are planned. Check out our online Event Calendar to stay current on the latest happenings in Mayberry.
Because of all that has been happening, we’ve shifted our July issue of our online Weaver’s Newsletter to August. Meanwhile, TAGSRWC’s online Weaver’s Dept. Store always has lots of wonderful items related to Mayberry, including the return of the Andy Griffith Show Wall Calendar for 2013. So there are rays of welcome good news to be found!
But all that can wait till later. On now to some wonderful remembrances of Andy Griffith by some who knew him.
–Jim Clark
Remembering Andy Griffith
Note: Except when indicated otherwise, comments below were provided by the people themselves directly to The eBullet. We appreciate all of these folks giving their time to share their memories and thoughts about Andy with us.
Official statement released by Andy’s family on July 3:
“Andy Griffith passed away, after an illness, during the early morning on July 3 at his home in Manteo, N.C., with his wife Cindi at his side. He was 86 years old.
“Mr. Griffith has been laid to rest on his beloved Roanoke Island. His favorite causes were Outer Banks Conservationists and the Griffith Scholarship Fund at UNC-Chapel Hill.”
Official statement from Cindi Griffith:
“Andy was a person of incredibly strong Christian faith and was prepared for the day he would be called Home to his Lord. He is the love of my life, my constant companion, my partner, and my best friend. I cannot imagine life without Andy, but I take comfort and strength in God’s Grace and in the knowledge that Andy is at peace and with God.”
Initial Tweet by Ron Howard:
“His pursuit of excellence and the joy he took in creating served generations and shaped my life. I’m forever grateful. RIP Andy.”
Ron later that day wrote this beautiful remembrance for the Los Angeles Times. He also wrote a heartfelt tribute for TV Guide. And he did this excellent on-camera interview with NBC.
A Statement released from Jim Nabors, who himself was recovering from a May heart procedure:
“I was saddened this morning to learn of the passing of my good friend Andy Griffith. He was a legend. My thoughts and prayers are with Andy’s family.”

Andy and Emmett Forrest view a mini-Martin guitar, now on display at the Andy Griffith Museum. Photo by Hobart Jones.
Emmett Forrest, Andy’s friend since childhood in Mount Airy and the person whose collection is the basis of the Andy Griffith Museum, had some poignant comments for this TV interview, despite still absorbing the shock of the news of losing his dear friend.

Andy with Don Knotts and Betty Lynn at the unveiling of Don’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2000.
As a Mount Airy resident herself now, Betty Lynn was called upon for comments by many in the media. Trouper that she is, Betty rose to the occasion to speak about her friend. She said things so well that we didn’t want to impose on her for yet more comments. But watch these interviews with Betty. The first interview is by WFMY-TV, the CBS affiliate in nearby Greensboro that did the most extensive coverage of Andy’s passing of any media outlet that we’ve so far come across. The second interview is with CNN. Betty’s remarks can be summed up with these words: “I loved Andy Griffith.”
Elinor Donahue:
“With his contributions throughout his professional life, I don’t feel that Andy has left us at all. And what he has left us with is his joy that was forthcoming in his performances.”
Rance Howard, father of Ron and Clint Howard:
“Andy was a wonderful guy. He was down to earth. He was direct. He had really great instincts about stories–about what is right and what is believable. He had exquisite taste in grammar and in drama. He was like the guardian of ‘The Andy Griffith Show.’ Sometimes when the writers and producers and actors were willing to break character to get a good laugh or something, Andy would always say, ‘I don’t want people to laugh at us. I want them to laugh with us. He really strove to keep the show real. He said, ‘When hiatus time comes, I’m going back to North Carolina to face these people, and I don’t want to be ashamed of the show.’ …
“He was great with Ron. He and Don and Frances and Aaron Ruben and Sheldon Leonard created a wonderful environment to grow up in and learn the basics of the business. Ron was really, really fortunate to be able to be part of this. It was a great opportunity. …
“Early in the series, writers Jack Elinson and Charles Stewart had Opie sounding just like Danny’s son [on “Make Room for Daddy”], played by Rusty Hamer on his show. He was a smart-alecky kid who sassed his parents. And it worked on that show. They were getting laughs. So, they tried that with Opie, too. Early on, in one of the readings, I said, ‘You know, having Opie be a smart-aleck and sass his dad will get you laughs right now, but I think it really undermines the Opie character and the Opie-Andy relationship. It may be fun right now, but when he gets a little older, it’s going to set the wrong tone.’
“Andy, Aaron, and Sheldon were all there. Shortly after that, we broke for lunch. When we came back, Andy came up to me and said, ‘Rance, you’re right about this. We’re going to try to build the Andy-Opie relationship like the one you and Ronny have. Opie shouldn’t be wising off and having a smart mouth.’ The writers picked up on that and built the relationship between Andy and Opie. And I think it really helped the show.”
“And who was I? Just Ronny’s dad, sort of a hungry actor. But Andy listened. That’s the kind of person Andy was. …
“Andy was quiet, but nobody pushed him around. I remember one time I overheard a conversation. Sheldon was pushing to have Andy get married [to Peggy McMillan, played by Joanna Moore]. Andy was opposed to it. Sheldon was very pro Andy getting married. Sheldon said, ‘Well, you know, we [fellow show owners Danny Thomas and Sheldon] can outvote you.’ Andy said, ‘I know you can. But if you do, it won’t be healthy for the show.’ That wedding didn’t happen.”…
“I admired Andy. I loved Andy Griffith. We were friends. His passing is a tremendous loss to me, but it’s probably a bigger loss to the world. He had a great sense of humor. He was such a lovable guy. Why? Because he made such good sense. I think once or twice Sheldon Leonard likened him to Will Rogers. I think that’s a good comparison. I can’t say enough good, positive things about Andy. He was just the greatest.”
Note: Rance also shared a couple of great behind-the-scenes tidbits with us (including one “never told before”). They don’t really fit the purposes of this issue, but we’ll have them in our next regular issue of The eBullet, scheduled for August.
George Spence, actor with Andy in The Lost Colony and TAGS and a fellow Outer Banks resident; few today, outside a handful of family and childhood friends, have known Andy longer than George:
“I was really upset when I heard the news. I knew it was going to happen one of these days, but I was hoping it wasn’t going to be this soon. Having worked together in The Lost Colony for such a long time and knowing each other through the years, this is a very sad time. He was such an important part of the Outer Banks community–still is. And will remain so. I’m saddened that a friend going back so long has left us. He was very close to my heart. Along with R. G. (Bob) Armstrong and others, we worked together for several years. I already miss him very much.”
Richard O. (Dick) Linke, last surviving of the four original owners of “The Andy Griffith Show” and Andy’s personal manager for 37 years (to the day):
“We met in the fall of 1953 and started together Jan. 4, 1954. I formed the team. I had really good contacts in New York. Andy and I were like brothers in those days. Everything we touched turned to gold for a lot of years. … My fondest wish in life would have been to stay on with Andy and then we retire together. But you can’t always have what you want.” Andy and Dick officially parted professional ways on Jan. 4, 1991.
Ronnie Schell:
“Andy and I were good friends since 1961. We both had the same manager (Dick Linke), and when I signed up to do ‘Gomer Pyle,’ Andy invited me to his house in Toluca Lake to help this green actor work on his script for the ‘Pyle’ series. I was forever grateful. We later worked together on two episodes of ‘The Andy Griffith Show,’ and I worked with him in nightclub appearances at Harrah’s in Lake Tahoe and Las Vegas and several one-nighters in the Midwest. I saw him rarely during the past few years, but when I did see him, we took up our relationship just like we did in the old days at Desilu and Hollywood. He was a fine actor, a funny comedian, a darn good singer and a loyal friend. I’ll miss him.”
Maggie Peterson Mancuso–When Maggie heard the news about Andy, she gathered her thoughts and wrote this moving remembrance to share with us:
This One Makes Me Cry
The passing of Andy leaves me very saddened. The stable presence I always counted on somehow to be there is gone. His calm, steady, humorous outlook at life’s everyday problems somehow helped me get through my days a little easier. “What would Andy think? or “What would Andy do?” I always kept that in my mind.
Andy and I were special friends for over 40 years. We had a bond that goes way back. His great charisma radiated generosity and love, both as an actor and personally. I was particularly moved when he told me he had named his dog Charlene after me because ‘she was all over me’ (referring to my character, Charlene Darling). The world is lonelier and colder today without Mr. Griffith. Thank God for the wonderful episodes we can still watch. Oh Andy, I miss you so.
And here’s a link to an interview with Maggie about Andy in the Las Vegas Sun.
Dean Webb, mandolin player for The Dillards, Mayberry’s Darlings boys:
“Andy treated us great. We enjoyed all the time we spent together. We were at Desilu one time and standing outside during a break. Andy’s Ford station wagon was parked there. I asked Andy, ‘How come you don’t drive a Rolls Royce?’ Andy said to me, ‘I can’t stand to have people looking at me when I’m not working.’ That’s the kind of guy he was. He was a really low-key person. He was really competent at his craft, but he didn’t want to be looked at when he wasn’t doing his craft. …
“When were working on Return to Mayberry, we were staying at the same hotel. One day I went next door and I found this hat that I thought matched the coat I was wearing in the movie. I ran into Andy at the front desk and said, ‘How do you like my new hat?’ He said, ‘It’s you!’ That’s just the way Andy was.”
A statement released by Rodney Dillard, guitar player and lead vocalist for The Dillards:
“Andy Griffith became more than an icon. He represented American family values and has given comfort and hope in these uncertain times. He gave The Dillards (The Darlings) an opportunity to be part of this. Andy was kind, generous and patient with an inexperienced group of pickers from the Ozark Mountains. Andy Griffith’s impact on the world will last forever.”
Jackie Joseph, Mayberry’s Sweet Romeena, wrote a wonderful column for The Tolucan Times in Toluca Lake, Calif., where she lives and where Andy lived for many years. It’s a lengthy piece that we can’t run here because of space, but here’s a link to Jackie’s column that we hope people’s browsers can translate. (We used Safari to be able to read it with ease.) Be sure to check it out. It’s a wonderful tribute.
James Best:
“There are so few times in one’s lifetime that we have the privilege to know and experience a friendship with a person whom we admire for all their wonderful, delightful and talented qualities. Qualities that make them a living legend. Andy Griffith was one of those.
“I was truly blessed to be among his millions of fans the world over. I am also so very proud to be able to say I had the great honor to have worked with him on several occasions. Each one a true experience that I shall always cherish. What a privilege, honor and blessing to have called him a friend.”
A Tweet from Barbara Eden:
“Filled with memories of my dear friend Andy Griffith. Long after my role on his show, we remained in touch. Rest in peace, dearest Andy.”
And an additional public statement from Barbara:
“His talent created an aura of reality on the set. He was so honest and so centered that sometimes you didn’t know if you were having a discussion with him or if you were doing the lines.”
Peggy McCay, who played Sharon DeSpain, Andy’s high school girlfriend in “Class Reunion”:
“I just loved working with Andy. It was a beautiful show. I knew when I read the script that this was an exceptionally well-written show. The director [Charles Irving] was a man I had known when I worked in New York, and I was very grateful he called because it was a lovely show.
“On the set between takes, Andy would entertain us on the banjo, which is something you just don’t expect. The sweetest thing was when it came time to do the love scene. Here was Andy, who had been this big thing in stand-up and movies and on Broadway and now was with his own show, and he was very shy. He said to me, ‘Do you really think we need to kiss?’ I said, ‘Andy, I really do, because it’s a real love scene and I think we’d better do it.’ And he said, ‘Well, all right.’ But that was so sweet. With all of his intelligence and wit and everything about the man, there was part of him that was a country boy nonetheless. And that shyness about the kiss was part of that. And it touched me. He was just a marvelous person. I’m so happy I got to work with him.”
Barbara Perry, who played “Class Reunion” organizer Floss and other characters on TAGS:
“‘The Old Birch Bark Canoe.’ I think that’s the piece he played on his guitar and sang while Lee Greenway, the wonderful makeup man joined on the banjo [between takes while filming ‘Class Reunion’]. Things this charming did not occur between takes on other shows. Andy and Don did a scene on a front porch set that was so delicately and subtly played. ‘Internal’ might be a word the Method actors would use. (They were very big at the time.) That was such high-caliber acting, and in a second, it burst into such brilliant comedy. It was astonishing. They were masters of their Art.
“Andy was the darling of the world at that time, but he was also a true ‘gentleman of the theater.’ Thanks to today’s technology, his gift will live for us forever.
“O.K., now I can cry a little.”
Facebook post by Margaret Kerry, wife and mother in “Christmas Story” and “Andy Forecloses”:
“It took a little time for me to write something about Andy Griffith. He looms large for anyone who knew him or worked with him. Tuesday, I watched the ‘Andy Forecloses’ episode where I played Sam Edwards’ wife. As I watched, two words came to mind–warmth and trusting. Sam, our kids and I were warmly welcomed by Andy and the ‘family.’ Many times that doesn’t happen when you’re cast for one or two shows of a series. Trust? I was so impressed how the filming was choreographed, given that we were working in a tiny old soundstage and there was little room to navigate. The crew and the actors all had great trust in each other that all would be well. Take those two words–warmth and trusting–when you think of Andy Griffith. They fit perfectly. Thank heavens that ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ still lives (52nd year!), sending out warmth in episode after episode with audiences always trusting there would be ‘rightness’ in the shows–and a whole lot of fun.”
From Ken Berry [Note: These comments from Ken were added after this eBullet was initially published and distributed]
“They [TAGS producers] had been looking for somebody to play Sam Jones on ‘Mayberry R.F.D.’ My manager, Dick Linke, was also Andy’s manager, but I didn’t know Andy. We used to watch ‘The Andy Griffith Show,’ and I was a fan. Dick didn’t want to push me on Andy. They were having trouble finding somebody. I finally went in for a reading and it went really well. Andy and I got along great. I got the part of Sam Jones. …
“Andy and I became good friends. We were very close. I lived right around the corner from him. We socialized. Andy wasn’t one for big parties, but he liked to get together with just a few couples. …
“Andy and Jack Dodson, who played Howard Sprague, and Lee Greenway the makeup man used to go out to this hunting club out in Palmdale where Andy was a member. When they finished hunting, we would ride trail bikes all over the trails they had there. And we had a great time together. …
“Andy helped me so much. You can imagine how big a step that was to be starring on ‘Mayberry R.F.D.’ after ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ finished at Number One. To be entrusted with that was a big compliment. I spent all my time just trying not to hurt anything. …
“Andy meant the world to me.”
Facebook post by Arlene Golonka:
“Andy Griffith was one of the nicest, kindest and most talented actors I’ve ever known. He was wonderful to me, and everyone loved him. My heart is very sad and we’re going to miss a great actor and human being. I love and miss you, Andy, and thank you for giving me such a great experience on ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ and ‘Mayberry R.F.D.’ xoxo.”
A statement from Francey Yarborough Knotts (widow of Don Knotts):
“Don and I loved Andy very much. Andy and Don had a great friendship and a great creative partnership. Throughout their lives, they continued to have fun together and discuss the art of comedy and acting.”
Facebook post by Karen Knotts, daughter of Don Knotts:
“I have to say goodbye to one of my all-time heroes, Andy Griffith. He was extraordinary. He and Aaron Ruben created ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ with a love of people at heart, and he always welcomed creativity and involvement from everyone on the show. He was a visionary and a great, great talent.”
Blog post by David Morris, son of Howard Morris on
“I woke up this morning to learn that Andy had passed away in N.C. Howard and Andy were close friends. Andy was an amazing person. He always said, ‘Howard was my good luck charm. Every time Howie was around, something good would happen.’
“The world loves you, Andy.”
Official Statements From Others Who Knew and Admired Andy
President Barack Obama:
“A performer of extraordinary talent, Andy was beloved by generations of fans and revered by entertainers who followed in his footsteps. He brought us characters from Sheriff Andy Taylor to Ben Matlock, and in the process, warmed the hearts of Americans everywhere. Our thoughts and prayers are with Andy’s family.”
Tanya Jones, executive director of the Surry Arts Council, organizer of Mayberry Days and operator of the Andy Griffith Museum:
“We are brokenhearted. Andy Griffith means the world to the arts everywhere–not just here in Mount Airy. His contribution to us, the Surry Arts Council and the town of Mount Airy cannot be measured. We are blessed to have known him.”
North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue:
“North Carolina has lost its favorite son. Throughout his career, he represented everything that was good about North Carolina: a small-town boy and UNC graduate who took a lighthearted approach to some of the attributes he grew up with and turned them into a spectacularly successful career. And regardless of where that career took him, he always came back to North Carolina and spent his final years here.”

Emmett Forrest with Nancy Stafford at the TV Land Landmark in front of the Andy Griffith Museum in Mount Airy on July 11, 2012. Photo by Hobart Jones.
Nancy Stafford, who played Michelle Thomas on “Matlock” (1987-92):
“I’m heartsick. I am forever grateful for the five wonderful years I worked with Andy. They were a highlight of my life. I’ve never laughed so hard or learned so much! He has left an indelible mark on my life–and the lives of countless millions. He was a consummate professional, an American treasure, and a dear man.”
Brad Paisley:
“An actor who never looked like he was acting, a moral compass who saved as many souls as most preachers and an entertainer who put smiles on more faces than almost anyone; this was as successful a life as is pretty much possible. Andy Griffith made the world a better place, and I was so proud to call him a friend.”
An Andy Griffith Timeline
* June 1, 1926: Born in Mount Airy, N.C., the only child of Geneva and Carl Lee Griffith, and named Andy Samuel Griffith (not Andrew)
* 1941: Inspired to play the trombone after seeing Birth of the Blues at a local movie theater
* May 30, 1944: Graduated from Mount Airy High School
* Summer 1944: Enrolled at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a sociology major in preparation for becoming a Moravian preacher
* Summers 1946-1953: Performed various roles in The Lost Colony on Roanoke Island, N.C.
* June 1949: Graduated from the University of North Carolina with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music
* 1949: Married to Barbara Edwards (divorced 1972)
* 1949-1952: Worked as a music and drama teacher at Goldsboro (N.C.) High School
* November 1953: Release of “What It Was, Was Football” on the Colonial Records label
* Mar. 15, 1955: The United States Steel Hour: No Time for Sergeants, as Will Stockdale
* Summer 1955: Florida concert tour with country star Ferlin Husky and a promising new performer, Elvis Presley
* Oct. 20, 1955: Broadway premiere of No Time for Sergeants, as Will Stockdale (received Theatre World Award in 1956 for Outstanding Debut of a Performer and Tony Award nomination for Best Featured Actor in a Play)
* May 28, 1957: Premiere of A Face in the Crowd, as Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes
* 1958: Andy and Barbara adopt son Andy Samuel Griffith, Jr., born in December 1957
* May 29, 1958: Premiere of feature film version of No Time for Sergeants, as Will Stockdale
* 1959: Nominated for Grammy Award for Best Comedy Performance–Spoken Word for Hamlet
* Apr. 23, 1959: Broadway premiere of Destry Rides Again, as Destry (received Tony Award nomination for Best Actor in a Musical)
* 1960: Andy and Barbara adopt daughter Dixie Nann Griffith, born in September 1959
* Oct. 3, 1960: Series premiere of The Andy Griffith Show (249 episodes and eight seasons), as Sheriff Andy Taylor
* 1968: Received National Brotherhood Award from the National Conference of Christians and Jews
* 1969: Premiere of Angel in My Pocket, as the Reverend Samuel D. Whitehead
* 1969: Received Honorary Doctorate of Fine Arts from Florida Southern College
* 1970: Series premiere of The Headmaster, as Andy Thompson
* 1971: Series premiere of The New Andy Griffith Show, as Andy Sawyer
* 1975: Premiere of Hearts of the West, as Howard Pike
* 1975: Theater (formerly the auditorium for Rockford Street Grammar School) renamed Andy Griffith Playhouse in Mount Airy, N.C.
* 1975: Married to Solica Cassuto (divorced in 1981)
* Apr. 21, 1976: Star unveiled on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
* 1976: Telecast of Six Characters in Search of an Author, as The Father
* 1978: Received Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of North Carolina
* 1979: Series premiere of Salvage, as Harry Broderick
* 1981: Premiere telecast of Murder in Texas, as Ash Robinson (nominated for Emmy Award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or a Special)
* 1983: Premiere telecast of Murder in Coweta County, as John Wallace
* Apr. 2, 1983: Married to Cindi Knight
* 1983: Received North Carolina Award for Fine Arts
* 1984: Premiere telecast of Fatal Vision, as Victor Worheide
* 1985: Premiere of Rustlers’ Rhapsody, as Colonel Ticonderoga
* 1985: Premiere telecast Crime of Innocence, as Judge Julius Sullivan
* 1986: Premiere telecast of Diary of a Perfect Murder, as Ben Matlock
* 1986: Premiere telecast of Under the Influence, as Noah Talbot
* Apr. 13, 1986: Premiere telecast of of Return to Mayberry, as Sheriff Andy Taylor
* Sept. 20, 1986: Series premiere of Matlock (177 episodes, 1986-1995), as Ben Matlock
* 1987: Received People’s Choice Award for Favorite Male Performer in a New Television Program for portrayal of Ben Matlock in Matlock
* 1992: Received Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Television Programming Executives
* 1992: Inducted into Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Hall of Fame in Orlando, Fla.
* Jan. 17, 1996: Son Sam dies at age 38
* 1997: Received Grammy Award for Best Southern Gospel, Country Gospel, or Bluegrass Gospel Album for I Love to Tell the Story–20 Timeless Hymns
* 1999: Nominated for Grammy Award for Best Southern Gospel, Country Gospel, or Bluegrass Gospel Album for Just As I Am
* 2001: Premiere of Daddy and Them, as O.T. Montgomery

Cindi and Andy enjoy a laugh with North Carolina Governor Mike Easley at the dedication of the Andy Griffith Parkway. (That’s Earlie Gilley in the cap in back.) Photo by Bart Boatwright.
* Oct. 16, 2002: Dedication of the Andy Griffith Parkway in Mount Airy, N.C.
* Oct. 28, 2003: Dedication of TV Land Landmark for The Andy Griffith Show at Pullen Park in Raleigh, N.C.
* 2004: Nominated for Dove Award for Country Album of the Year for The Christmas Guest (co-nominee with Marty Stuart)
* 2004: Received TV Land Legend Award for The Andy Griffith Show
* Sept. 24, 2004: Replica of TV Land Landmark for The Andy Griffith Show unveiled in Mount Airy, N.C.
* 2005: Received Carolina Performing Arts Lifetime Achievement Award at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill
* 2005: Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush at the White House
* 2007: Premiere of Waitress, as Old Joe
* 2008: Received Country Music Association Award for Music Video of the Year for “Waitin’ on a Woman” with Brad Paisley
* Jan. 13, 2009: Read a poem at the inauguration of North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue
* Sept. 26, 2009: Dedication of the Andy Griffith Museum in Mount Airy, N.C.
* July 3, 2012: Andy Griffith dies and is buried on Roanoke Island, N.C.
Discography (Original releases, not compilations):
A Face in the Crowd (1957)
Just for Laughs (1958)
Andy Griffith Shouts the Blues and Old Timey Songs (1959)
Destry Rides Again (1959)
This Here Andy Griffith (1959)
Songs, Themes, and Laughs from The Andy Griffith Show (1961)
Andy and Cleopatra (1964)
Somebody Bigger than You and I (1972)
Precious Memories (1995); some tracks partially repackaged as:
I Love to Tell the Story:25 Timeless Hymns (1996)
Just as I Am: 30 Favorite Old Time Hymns (1998)
The Christmas Guest: Stories and Songs of Christmas (2003)
Charity Memorials to Andy Griffith
Because many people have been wondering if there is something they can do to honor the life of Andy Griffith, here are two causes that were close to his heart.
Outer Banks Conservationists
PO Box 970
Manteo NC 27954
Attention: Mr. Dan Thornton
Griffith Scholarship-Office of Scholarships and Student Aid
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus Box 2300
Chapel Hill NC 27599-2300
There is also the Cindi and Andy Griffith Endowment supporting the Surry Arts Council:
Cindi and Andy Griffith Endowment
Surry Arts Council
PO Box 141
Mount Airy NC 27030
Some Good Links:
Here are links to some of the best coverage, columns and stories about Andy Griffith’s passing (in addition to ones already provided above):
* NBC Nightly News story by Mike Taibbe
* The Virginian-Pilot (the nearest big newspaper to Manteo; a long history of great coverage about Andy, primarily by reporter Mal Vincent)
* LA Times
* Article by Mark Washburn for the Charlotte Observer
* New York Times
* Washington Post
* Associated Press (originating from the Raleigh News & Observer)
* Column by Ken Beck for The Tennessean
* Coverage by Scott Couch Fox 17 Nashville (includes interview with Roland White)
* Article by Mark Dawidziak for Cleveland Plain Dealer
* Column by Dennis Rogers for the Raleigh News & Observer
* Remembrance by David Inman in the Louisville Courier-Journal
* CBS Sunday Morning
* National Public Radio
* Great Short Documentary of Super Fan Kenneth Junkin that aired on CNN on July 3 (reminds us all why we’re fans, too!)
* Frank Stasio’s Remembrance for WUNC Radio with Neal Brower and Jewell Kutzer (it runs about an hour)
* Two Chairs, No Waiting Podcast #196, #197 and #198 hosted by Allan Newsome

Courtesy of John Rose, the Daily News-Record and Byrd Newspapers of Virginia. Reprints of this Andy Griffith cartoon (as well as John’s Goober at the Pearly Gates cartoon) suitable for framing are available. Contact John Rose at for details.” (By the way, for comics fans, John also draws “Snuffy Smith.”)
**** Post Note ****
The next regular issue of The eBullet will be published in August. If you ever miss receiving an issue of The eBullet, you can always catch up by reading it in the eBullet Archives in the Newsletters section at Each issue is usually placed in the Archives within about a week of its being distributed to subscribers.
Between issues of The eBullet, keep up with the goings-on in Mayberry with the daily Who’s Been Messin’ Up the Bulletin Board? (aka WBMUTBB) Digest. It’s a free subscriber list that consists entirely of comments, newsflashes, and questions and answers from subscribers. You can sign up for that list by going to the Mailing Lists link at WBMUTBB also has its own Archives where you can follow the ongoing stream of messages.
And TAGSRWC publishes Weaver’s Newsletter in more-or-less alternate months to The eBullet. Like The eBullet, the Weaver’s Newsletter is free. Its focus is mainly on new Mayberry merchandise and collectibles and quick newsflashes. The next issue was scheduled for July, but now likely will be published in early August. To sign up, go to: Weaver’s Newsletter Sign-Up.
TAGSRWC’s other main vehicle for Mayberry information is simply our website at (and its sister site Both sites have extensive content and links for just about everything a Mayberry fan might be looking for.