The awards listed below (Mayberry Friendship, Jim Schwenke, You’re the Cat’s, Spirit of Mayberry, & Leaders of The Pack) have been presented to individuals & groups over the years to show appreciation of those listed and their efforts to keep Mayberry alive in the hearts and minds of fans. The honorees were, in general, nominated and winners selected by a team of Mayberry fans chosen by TAGSRWC headquarters. Congratulations to the award recipients and to all those who’s names we don’t know but have been nominated over the years. We, the fans, will continue to watch re-runs and do our best to keep Mayberry alive.

Mayberry Friendship Award

Mayberry Friendship Award
Mayberry Friendship Award

The Mayberry Friendship Award is presented by TAGSRWC in recognition and appreciation for outstanding dedication to the fans of ‘The Andy Griffith Show’.”

David Browning & Tanya Jones1995
Charles Dowell & Russell Hiatt1996
Neal Brower1997
Allan Newsome & Emmett Forrest1998
LP & Alma Venable1999
Phil Lee2000
Jeff Koontz2001
Ken White2002
The Creatsters2003
Nancy Thornton2004
Dennis Beal2005
VW Boys2006
Pat & Neil Coleman2007
Jeff Branch2008
Mike & Kim Johnson2009
Tim Pettigrew2010
Dewey Lamb & Al Gandolfi2011
Tom & Kathy Rusk2012
Bob Mundy2013
Don & Joyce Kernan Robert & Jill Shelby2014
Michael Oliver2015
Christie McLendon & Keith Brown2016
Steve & Kathy Hinkley2017
Kevin Burke & Steve Jackson2018
Randy Turner2019
Eric Lowery2020
Rebecca Spears2021
Norm Schultz2022
Dick Villard2023

Jim Schwenke Memorial Award

Jim and Alice Schweke
Jim & Alice Schweke

The annual Jim Schwenke Memorial Award honored the memory of one of TAGSRWC’s all-time most devoted members, Jim Schwenke, the founder of Houston’s Mayberry Texans chapter.  Jim passed away on September 13, 2002. Beginning in 2003, the award was given each year to a TAGSRWC member who not only shows a love for “The Andy Griffith Show,” but also, like Jim Schwenke, shares that devotion, friendship, and Mayberry spirit with others in especially noteworthy ways. Twenty Schwenke’s were presented with the last in 2022.

Jim Schwenke Memorial Award
Jim Schwenke Memorial Award
(Shaped as a “stetson hat”…not a frog.)

“Jim Schwenke was one of the most kind and friendly people I ever met. This award is one that means a lot to me because the only time I ever met Jim Schwenke was at Mayberry Days in 1993. He and I wrote and phoned one another for eight years and to paraphrase our favorite deputy, ‘Mayberry ain’t never had a better friend than Jim Schwenke.’ This award is not about the person receiving it; it’s about keeping the Mayberry spirit alive and well. Jim, we shall meet but we shall miss you and we will always have a smile on our face when we think of you.”
–Allan Newsome

Allan Newsome2003
Jim Ballance2004
Gary Wedemeyer2005
Kenneth Junkin2006
Doug Brewer2007
Deloris Cummings2008
Kim Mounts, Michele Cook & Joyce Maynor2009
The Sullivan Family2010
Lyle Fales2011
Neal Brower2012
David Browning2013
Paul Mulik2014
Jeff Koontz2015
Ken Anderson2016
Nancy Thornton2017
Jeff Gossett2018
Michelle Bryson2019
Dewey Lamb2020
Dennis Beal2021
Brad & Christine Born2022

You’re the Cat’s

You're the Cat's Award
You’re the Cat’s Award

 The “You’re the Cat’s” Award recognizes significant contributions to Mayberry Days and was created to honor Betty Lynn. The award, sponsored by Terry and Ron Quinsey of “We’re the Cat’s” chapter (Fort Erie, Ont.), was conceived as a way to salute special people, whether they are performing or working behind the scenes, at Mayberry Days.

Tanya Jones2014
David Browning2015
Alma Venable2016
Ken White2017
Allan Newsome2018
Neal Brower2019
The Creatsters2020
Kenneth Junkin2021
Jeff Koontz2022
Floyd’s City Barber Shop & The Snappy Lunch 2023

The Spirit of Mayberry

The Spirit of Mayberry Award

Presented by “The Mayberry Times” newsletter published by the Mayberry’s Finest..No Interlopers Chapter (Avon, Ind.) of TAGSRWC in the mid-1990’s. The award was to honor those who work to keep things related to TAGSRWC going and are selfless in doing the things they do.

Brad & Christine Born1994
Jim Clark1995
Emmett Forrest1996
Allan Newsome1997
Kenneth Junkin1998

The Leaders of The Pack

The Leaders of The Pack
The Leaders of The Pack

A special award from fans at TAGSRWC’s Annual Meeting during Mayberry Days®. The one-time award didn’t officially have a name when it was presented, but it salutes Allan and Jan Newsome for their years of dedication (in the past and no doubt the future) as Leaders of the Pack. So we’ll just go ahead and call the award The Leaders of the Pack Award.

Jan & Allan Newsome2021

Please forgive that all the images of awards feature the Newsome name. Those were the easiest for me to get photos. — Allan Newsome