Ben Matlock
39. [2-15]  1/26/88  THE UMPIRE

        Shouts of 'kill the umpire' turn out to be deadly accurate
        when a softball-league ump calls his last strike, leaving
        Matlock to sort through a team full of suspects.

        w. Phillip Mishkin            d. Harvey Laidman
           music by Bruce Babcock

        Walt Judd.....................? Robert Harper
        Charlie Bonham................Richard Kline
        Freddy Hatton.................James Staley
        Roger Cullen..................Mitchell Laurance
        Barney Sutter.................Jim Beaver
        Patty Judd....................Diane Behrens
        Marshall Turner...............Laurence Braude
        Ronald Pierce.................Christopher Chisholm
        Lt. Parker....................Fitzhugh G. Houseton
        Mr. Nelson....................Kirk Sisco
        Celia.........................Kat Meyer Ellis
        Judge Cooksey.................Richard Newton