Ben Matlock
38. [2-14]  1/19/88  THE GIGOLO

        Matlock has to do some fancy footwork to prove that a dance
        instructor didn't murder his wealthy, married lover.  Meanwhile,
        Matlock continues to waltz around his relationship with Julie.

        w. Stephen Black & Henry Stern   d. Tony Mordente
           music by Artie Kane

        Scott Lazar...................Steven Memel
        Garland Frazier...............William Prince
        Barbara Raymond...............Penny Fuller
        Laura Frazier.................Jane Hallaren
        Dash Harrison.................Gerard Prendergast
        Judge Arthur Beaumont.........Jason Wingreen
        Lt. Snell.....................Roy Fegan
        Judge Archibald Smith.........Chad Block
        Letitia.......................Sheila Shaw
        Lt. Bob Brooks................David Froman