Ben Matlock
175.  [9-12] 2/9/95    THE TARGET

        Matlock suspects he's the target when a judge who went fishing
        with him is killed in a boat explosion.

        Flashbacks used in this episode: The View, The Strangler
        and The Class.

        w. Joel Steiger & Gerald Sanoff    d. Frank Thackery
           music by Bruce Babcock

        Judge Denniston...............Ralph Sabatini
        Glen Silver...................Rick Reitz
        Det.Marks.....................David Lenthall
        Jeffrey Spidel................Richard Gilliland
        Will Owens....................Bob Hannah
        Judge Michael Stern...........Robert D. Raiford
        Barbershop Owner..............Dave Hager
        Todd Powers...................Mark Jeffrey Miller
        ADA Greene....................Mike Roark
        Rick Petkin...................Hank Troscianiec