Ben Matlock

171.  [9-8]  12/8/94   DEAD AIR

        Matlock contends with a wise-cracking homicide detective when
        he defends a radio personality whose morning-show partner is
        murdered.  [The Rick and Ray Show]

        w. Anne Collins               d. Christopher Hibler
           story by Joel Seigler & Gerald Sanoff
           music by Dana Kaproff

        Pat Poletti...................Lea De Laria
        Rick..........................Preston Maybank
        Sharon Perleen................Melanie Smith
        Ray Wallace...................Norman Woodel
        Sophia Poletti................Sylvia Harman
        Judge Drake...................Grayce Spence
        Neighbor witness..............Richard K. Olsen
        ..............................Kevan Garriss
        ..............................Kevin Scott Warner
        Police Officer................Michael Burgess
        Parking Attendant.............John Philip Dayton
        Man...........................Tommy Hull
        Heckler.......................Scott Mathews
        Bobby.........................Lewis Musser
        Bea...........................Deborah Yates
