Ben Matlock

115. [6-5]  11/8/91   THE MARRIAGE COUNSELOR

        Matlock discovers that it was till death they do part for a
        murdered marriage counsellor and one or more of the wives he
        had in 'physical' therapy.

        w. Phil Mishkin               d. Christopher Hibler
           music by Artie Kane

        Laura........................Kim Johnston Ulrich
        Claudette....................Mary-Margaret Humes
        Ginnie.......................Jenny Wright
        Allan........................Ron Fassler
        Dr. Harding Fletcher.........Bryan Cranston
        Dr.Relkin....................Natalia Nogulich
        Security Guard...............George Baldwin
        Judge Justin.................Aneta Corsaut
        Joe Marshall.................Cary Eidel
        Marshall Turner..............Skip Harris
        ADA Shelton..................George Ne Jame
