The Taylors' Front Porch
Pull up a chair! Have a sit-down an' shoot the breeze with us. Later on, maybe we'll go down to the drugstore to get a bottle of pop .  .  . maybe see what's showin' at the Grand .  .  .  . What you gonna do tonight, Barn?

September 24, 2024 - Msg 120208: If Helen Crump married Ed Crumpacker she would be Helen Crumpacker. Just saying. MBM

September 25, 2024 - Msg 120209: LOLOL! Fantastic catch, MBM! I never ever thought of that.

Nice sweep too!

John Masters

September 25, 2024 - Msg 120210:

HA! Good one! :)

September 26, 2024 - Msg 120211:
POSSUM, Spotty, Big Maude and others who may be in the
path of Helene ("wouldn't ya know it'd be named 'Helen(e)'")
please be careful, as it looks to be very strong.
I guess Mayberry Days may also be rained on.
All ok here, but I do admit that it is very trying at times
as caregiver. We do have help 4 hours a day, so that is really
good, but please keep up the prayers. Thanks so much.
God bless,

September 26, 2024 - Msg 120212: Thanks,MDC,- I'm very concerned for those folks in Florida with this hurricane. Gonna be bad and it's supposed to barrel right up through the Atlanta area,so hope Spotty will be okay. We're not in the actual path of the storm but it's going to be big and the winds will reach hundreds of miles from the center. I think Upstate SC will get the worst of it,from what's being said. We are supposed to have heavy rain and some gusty wind in our area-it's already raining here,not heavily,however,and no winds to speak of. I think we'll fare well-sure hope & pray that we do!
These "H" hurricanes are monsters- Hugo,Harvey, and now here comes Helene. God bless all in its path.
I'm so sorry about what you and Cecile are going through,MDC and y'all remain in my prayers. One day at a time,friend.
I'll check in tomorrow after Helene blows on through. Please heed caution if you're in the track of this hurricane,y'all!
Peace & Love to all.

possum u.a.r.

September 26, 2024 - Msg 120213: Neglected to welcome Charlotte back to the Porch- Hey Charlotte!!

possum again

September 26, 2024 - Msg 120214: Possum if you remember, Helen”s pen name WAS “Helene Alexian Dubois”..If you are talking “H” storms.
If you are speaking about hurricanes she could fit right in with some of her rants 😤with Andy....


September 27, 2024 - Msg 120215:

Yup GF, that why I compared her to "Tom," Miss Peggy's hungry buzzard above! :)
You be careful as you head to mayberry Days.

September 27, 2024 - Msg 120216: Good morning! Thank you for the warm welcome back, MDC and possum. I feel like it’s been a long busy summer away from here. Take care all of you in Helen(e)’s path. I have to laugh at the Helen references. Funny we all seem to share feelings about her. “This class was woefully behind in their studies..I was just starting to make progress.. and then you—you fixed it!” What a rant from her! Lol Ya’ll have a good day. Prayers for all-especiallyMDC and Cecile and those in Helene’s path. Batten down the hatches. Helen Crumpacker! Good one, MBM! Or, she might have married Mr. Swump and become Helen Crump Swump. 😁

September 28, 2024 - Msg 120217:

Then there was helen and those fun girls... :)

September 28, 2024 - Msg 120218: Hey y'all- Please pray for those hit by Hurricane Helene. Florida goes without saying,but Western NC got devastated.Winds were very bad here and we lost power from 5am to around 11pm yesterday.Thanking God that me and mine fared well.

possum again

September 28, 2024 - Msg 120219: Land sakes, that hurricane is impacting us way up in Ohio. I was rained out of work mowing greens yesterday and today. My yard is full of branches and twigs. We needed the rain so I reckon it's not all bad.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

September 29, 2024 - Msg 120220:

I hope Big Maude, Spot and others will 'check in' and are OK.
Yes possum, prayers for all there! mdc

September 29, 2024 - Msg 120221: MDC, I've heard from Spot and can confirm that he and his family are fine. He told me they got the rain,but no damage,power outage,etc. Grateful to know they made out okay.
Mavis is in Eastern TN and they've been hit hard,but I know that she is okay. Not sure about Maude's area,so let's hope to hear from her soon & that she & her loved ones are okay.
My heart just hurts for the folks in Western NC. Places are gone,just gone,y'all. I have a few friends living up there and just pray they are alright. One lives right near Chimney Rock ,which was destroyed by flash flooding,so a lot of concern for her. I "talked" to her on Facebook before the storm and pray to see her posting on FB again soon ,saying they are okay.
Currently,SC has more power outages than any of the other states hit by Helene,even Florida. Nearly half of our state remains without power. We were blessed to have gotten ours back in less than 24 hours time. God bless the crews working around the clock trying to restore power.

Y'all ,please pray! It is terrible up there in those beautiful mountains.

possum u.a.r.

September 29, 2024 - Msg 120222: The Hurricane did a lot of damage to Mt. Airy too...Mayberry Days was quite the Adventure this year. Power was out all over and some people still don’t have any...

It rained stormed and very high winds, but Saturday and Sunday morning was beautiful. More on that later. I just got home and I’m beat to the socks 🧦 from my drive.


September 30, 2024 - Msg 120223: Thank you for the updates, Possum. Glad you and SPOT are ok. I know how bad it can be with the flooding after a hurricane. I often tell people that the flooding that occurred in Houston after hurricane Harvey killed many more people than the winds when it hit the coast. Flooding is a terrible, dangerous thing. I know some people get upset when you talk about climate change but it is science that the earth is heating up and storms will get stronger and flooding worse.

Well, not much news here. Its still very hot everyday but we have had some good rain that is keeping things green. Everyone is well in the household and Matt is still sober, so that is what matters.

Im working a little less, thankfully, since the full time RN came back to work. I have been working on some quilting ideas and am planning a quilt for a friend who does alot for others and is going through a tough time. She loves cats and I found an adorable cat pattern to make for her.

Sean still has his job and that is going well for now. He is still working in the tool room but is learning some good computer skills and be certified to drive the fork lift so he is in a better position to be hired elsewhere if his area closes down next year. He has come so far and this job has been so good for his self esteem. We have the best time together, too. He is funny and sweet and just the best son a mother could have.

Erin is doing better. She is still making some decisions that are not in her best interest but she remains sober and drug free, is working a lot and talking about going back to school. She wants to get into the EMT program. We will see if she follows through. Little Mari (my little foster from last school year) got to come for a visit yesterday and we enjoyed it so much. She is a great kid and 6 years old now, and will be 7 in january.

Bruce got over his back injury and covid and has been working and doing some kayak fishing on the weekends.

St. Susan and I are already discussing thanksgiving preparations, as we generally do this time of year. ha. We decided to have a great time and not kill ourselves in the process. My best friend from my college days and my room mate after college will be here with her family for thanksgiving. She is precious and she and her husband are retired and don't have any extended family to spend holidays with so they come here to be with us for most holidays now, which I love. Her name is Susan, too, so it gets confusing sometimes. I guess i will have to call my sister Saint Susan and my friend Suzie or something.

Well, not much else to report. I have been watching more TAGS on Pluto TV and I am not feeling as sad when I do. I still really miss Ro and Asa, though. More than I ever dreamed I would.

I hope we will still do the christmas card exchange this year.

Better go. Love you all,

September 30, 2024 - Msg 120224: Happy Monday! Prayers for all in the path of Helene and those still missing or needing rescue. Sorry that Mayberry Days took a hit, but glad people are safe. Glad things seem to be going well for you, Boo, and that TAGS doesn’t make you so sad. Think about it—neither Ro nor Asa would want your joy for TAGS to diminish on their account. Hope Big Maude checks in soon. Good news about Spot and Mavis.
Charlotte Tucker

October 01, 2024 - Msg 120225: Happy Tuesday to everyone. Thought I would check in and let y'all know I am ok.

My specific area of Northeast TN had flooding and horrible winds. We had lots of limbs and leaves down but nothing major. We lost power for a about 7 hours so that was not too bad. Many of the surrounding areas suffered catastrophic damage, little towns and homes were literally washed away as were highways and roads. lives were lost and people are still missing and unaccounted for. Many schools are still out due to areas still not having power and buses unable to get into areas the roads were washed away. Organizations and folks are stepping up to help any way they can, and donations are being gathered for everything imaginable. It's very sad to see the devastation. Just please keep these folks in your prayers.

I remember that Romeena always said "keep looking up" so that is what I will do.

BOO: I am looking forward to the Christmas card exchange this year as well. I am glad you and your family are doing well

My family is doing well. Baby Tripp is now 10 months old, walking everywhere. He generally smiles all the time and seems to be content most of the time. He loves mango,blueberries,avocado, rice, beans, chicken pot pie, noodles and most anything he tries. Apparently, times have changed since my kids were babies as we had to feed them baby food for about the first year of their lives but now, they tell them to feed them real food except for honey and "alcohol". It really troubled me that the doctors have to tell parents NOT to give their baby alcohol....... I guess there has to be a reason WHY they have to tell parents that. Patrick and Daysie are good parents and work well together.

Glad SPOT and Mavis are safe and sound!

I will try and check in soon

Prayers and Blessings to all
Big Maude

October 01, 2024 - Msg 120226: So thankful you are ok,Big Maude. It is so heartbreaking what's happened to Eastern TN & Western NC. Prayers indeed and y'all keep looking up,as Ro would often say. God bless.
Hey to everyone-will come back and rock more soon. Love to all!

possum u.a.r.

October 01, 2024 - Msg 120227: I just heard from Salty Dog and she's ok. She lives in Western NC. Said she's been without power since Friday and just got wifi back. Thank you Lord for watching over our Porch family during the hurricane.

possum again

October 03, 2024 - Msg 120228: Hello Porchsters. I think I'm on my 4th case of Covid. I tested negative Tuesday but I feel exactly the same as the other three times. Might test again, not sure the benefit. Exhaustion is my big symptom every time. I slept 19 out of 20 hours Tuesday after I tested negative! At least Goober isn't coming around and annoying me while I'm sick.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 03, 2024 - Msg 120229:

HI ALL, sorry I havent been around lately, just busy with "life and wife."
At least Cecile and I are in good spirits, it's just tough sometimes.
I'm glad that everyone has 'checked in,' tho I think NEW NEIGHBOR is also
somewhere in that area hit. Please check in.
I will send out the Christmas card list soon. Let me know of any updates.
These are such crazy times, our faith in God is so important.
Ive seen photos that possum has posted on FB of whole strip malls totally gone!

By the way, for this old house fans, they announced that we lost Roger Cook
this summer. He was in ill health for sometime. Only 70 years old. RIP.
And now I hear that people are buying up TP again! What is going on?

At least coming to the porch helps. Lord be with us, and yup, I'm looking up too. :)

More later and prayers for all.

October 03, 2024 - Msg 120230:
Oh BOO, so glad that things are going good
with your fam these days! :)

October 03, 2024 - Msg 120231: Hey again y'all- Sorry you're sick, Billy Ray. That does sound like Covid, last time I had it,the exhaustion was the worst of it. Take care of yourself.
MDC, that wasn't a strip mall,that was the downtown shops and businesses of the village of Chimney Rock,NC. Which was washed into nearby Lake Lure! Just utterly heartbreaking. Please continue to pray and help that region of our country in any way you can.
MDC, you and Cecile hang in there,friend. One day at a time and lots of faith. Keep looking up,y'all.

possum u.a.r.

October 03, 2024 - Msg 120232: I don't want to be the rain here on the porch, but I am having a very hard time doing anything remotely light or fun through this day. I have been at my desk all day watching and observing the sheer nightmare of North Carolina and vicinity. This is a God awful moment for our country. I am heartbroken with the stories coming out and the future of these communities having to deal with the dead are a real horror movie. My conscience is rattled, I cant do anything light. I know life goes on and we cant sit while the earth revolves, but, my God, this is one of those moments that the importance of life and survival focuses in so so much clearer. Some of the trauma will be unbearable.
There are not enough tears for the loss.

That is all.

John Masters

October 04, 2024 - Msg 120233: Hey all! Happy to hear from you, Big Maude, and glad others like Salty Dog and spot have been accounted for. Glad you and Cecile are in good spirits, MDC. That is often a big part of the battle you’re in. Many prayers. John Masters, your assessment is accurate, but maybe you should turn off the tv, spend some time outside, listen to some favorite music or read some Psalms. It is admirable to have such empathy. I tend to have that trait too, but you can’t let it get you down. Prayers for all hurricane victims. 🙏🏻

Charlotte Tucker

October 04, 2024 - Msg 120234: I feel like you do, John Masters. I have friends scattered all throughout those NC mountains and the things I am hearing from them is truly hard to wrap my mind around. Plus, I know those areas that were damaged and it breaks my heart even more. To see my favorite place in the world destroyed like that is so sad. If y'all read Salty Dog's post on Facebook about what she and her folks endured, it would crush you-and they weren't even among the worst hit. I'm privy to a lot of news(,since I'm not that far away from NC) that I don't think the media is putting out there and it is worse that what y'all are seeing on the national news. Much worse. Please,please pray and if you can & wish to donate, I would suggest you give to Samaritan's Purse. Totally legit organization,doing a wonderful job up there. Franklin Graham, son of Rev. Billy Graham ,heads it. Again,please pray. God help those folks.

possum again

October 05, 2024 - Msg 120235: Hello Porchsters. Things are slow in my neck of the woods. Saw Barney's arch nemesis, Eddie Brooke, on Twilight Zone tonight. I wonder if Andy Griffith scouted actors by watching other shows. It's getting near to midnight so I'm off to bed.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 06, 2024 - Msg 120236:

"Com'on deputy, its only a fin."

October 07, 2024 - Msg 120237: Prayers for Florida as they await Hurricane Milton. Currently a CAT 5!! God be with those folks.

possum under a rock

October 09, 2024 - Msg 120238: I hear that Possun…My niece and her family are at Disney they best be bugging out! If the Waffle House closes they are too late and ran out of time….🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 …G-F

October 10, 2024 - Msg 120239:

Hello everyone. Yes, praying for Florida. I see that it is now just
a cat 1, so very thankful for that!
It has still been hot here. We got a few high 90s, but now back into
the 100s. We broke a few records recently.

Our caregiver, who comes for 4 hours a day, M-Sat. is working out very well.
She is kind, professional, and has really taken to Cecile. It gives
me time to get errands, etc, done. Our lives have really changed, but we are keeping
the faith, and taking it one day at a time. The computer voice deal is very cool.
The local ALS assoc. brought it to the house yesterday, and got it all set up.
God bless those folks, they have been a big help also. I'm learning more and more
recipes, and cooking things she can still eat, but also doing the feeding tube.

I got a 'mayberry' item winging it's way to GF as I write this. Hopefully he will
tell y'all about it when it arrives. OK GF? :)
So good to hear from JM, Billy Ray, Possum, Boo, big maude, Charlotte, and all.
Big Maude, glad you are all OK. Tripp sure is keeping you busy!

Hang in there folks, and please keep prayin and lookin up! :)
God bless,

October 10, 2024 - Msg 120240: 10-4 MDC....Sorry I didn’t go to the trivia contest this year so I didn’t get to ask the “experts” about your wood cutting question. I was getting my car fixed during the storm and didn’t make it to that event...I even forgot to pick up the Mayberry Confidential of all the happenings at M/D’s this year.

It was one discombobulated time this year but at least ONE day was nice!..Here’s a couple of links to check out!...


October 10, 2024 - Msg 120241: Glad to hear people are getting the help they need.There is so much devastation from these storms.I am praying for everyone.MDC I have you and Cecile in my prayers.What you are going through is not easy.But God will get you through.I know what you mean John Masters I have to turn tags on at least once a day to lift my spirits.Take care everyone-ky girl

October 11, 2024 - Msg 120242:

Thanks for those links GF. I always enjoy the parade pics!
Even the shoe salesman showed up this year!
Tonite on me-tv was the Boone's episode. There used to be a Jenny Boone
who posted here. I wonder what happened to her.
But, like Homemaker and others, people come and go.
I still crack up at Barney's line however:
"I'd rather be called skunk face than Honey like THAT!" :)

Well, you honeys and dears, hang in there.

October 11, 2024 - Msg 120243: Watching A Face in the Crowd on TCM tonight. I've never seen it.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 11, 2024 - Msg 120244: Billy Ray...It’s a WHOLE different side of Andy....

October 12, 2024 - Msg 120245: Saw a football game for Florida Atlantic, which is in Boca Raton. Looked like about 50 people in the stands. I reckon they have better things to do.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 14, 2024 - Msg 120246: How about a trivia question. What class did Barney say that Andy flunked?

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 15, 2024 - Msg 120247: Morning Dears and Honeys!

I should know this answer, Billy Ray,but am drawing a blank! I'll take a wild guess though- History??

Y'all have a good day, remember to act like somebody and Keep Looking Up!

possum u.a.r.

October 16, 2024 - Msg 120248:
Yes, I think it was history too, or biology when he had
to discect the grasshopper.

"Two young people lost in a world of pills." :)

October 16, 2024 - Msg 120249: Where did summer go? Seems like yesterday we were in the 90's. It's 36 as I type. It was biology, so long as you can trust Barney's memory.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 16, 2024 - Msg 120250: Good guess,MDC-you got it with Biology!

I don't know what happened to summer, Billy Ray. It sure isn't summer here at my rock this morning! Wind chill in the upper 40s and tonight's low temp will be 38. Too early for this type of cold down here! And some parts of Western North Carolina are seeing snow. Folks living in tents,folks still struggling up there. Please keep them in your prayers.

possum again

October 16, 2024 - Msg 120251: Hey Y’all....Guess What MDC sent me? A pillow for my Mayberry room! It says..“Come sit on the Porch with me”. How Cool is that! ...Ain’t He something! *And it even matches my TVLand throw on my “Wheeler” recliner chair 💺

Thanks Buddy...Much Appreciated....G-F

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120252:

We've had a "never-ending summer" in these parts.
Today it was 99. But it looks like cooler temps are
finally coming!
So glad you like it G-F. When I saw it at the store it just
'screamed' out "I'm perfect for G-F's Mayberry room! :)
More later folks. Yes possum, I am praying for the whole
country these days.

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120253:

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120254: Msg 120253 reminds me of Barney showing Ernest T how to work a room.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120255:
That was me trying to post a pic of the pillow,
but alas, it did not work.
PH, you lookin' in? I need your help.

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120256: HaHa MDC...I knew it was above my electronal talents so I didn’t even

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120257: I am now watching Quiet Sam, the episode where Barney mentioned Andy flunked biology. Andy didn't dispute it, so it's apparently true.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 17, 2024 - Msg 120258:


October 17, 2024 - Msg 120259:

If Barn was so agin litterin', why did he
throw 5 gum wrappers on the barn floor? hmmm :)

October 19, 2024 - Msg 120260: Just watched Opie's Newspaper. Did they really leave an unattended smoldering barrel in the town dump? I do declare.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

October 19, 2024 - Msg 120261: Its still summer here in south texas, Billy Ray. Send some of that cold weather our way!

Good question about that smoldering barrell..not safe, is it? Gosh.

Well, just jumping up on the porch to say hello. No real news in these parts. We are all working and getting by.

Ready for some fall weather but none in sight yet. Already thinking about the holidays and thanksgiving preparations. Bought my new box of Christmas cards today at Tractor Supply (they have the best ones!).

Got to get back to my computer input for work...

Ya'll have a great weekend and week.


October 20, 2024 - Msg 120262:

HI BOO and all.
Good to see you 'checking in.'
We are doing ok. Only 76 here today, but will be
back in the 90s next week. Whaaat?!
Fall is trying really hard to get here, but summer
just doesnt want to leave yet.
More later, and Good Sabbath. Thanks for the prayers.


Let me know if the porch needs a sweep                                   Archives
This version of The Taylor's Front Porch has been created to pay our respect to the original porch found on Thanks to Frank for all the work he did for Mayberry on the web. We've tried to make this just like Frank's Porch. This is also a tribute to Ollie's "Trivialities" site which was another homage to Frank's porch but is no longer with us.