August 08, 2024 - Msg 120121:

Hey to GF and Possum. Maybe it's Upchurch's moulage that
caused all the rain and mud. Possum, glad that you are doing ok.
Hang in there and keep safe.
So funny tonight, somehow me-tv messed up the 'bulletin' board by showing
shows from the 'quad cities,' where ever that is!
All is good here. We had a good appt Monday with a digestive surgeon,
and he is going to put in a feeding tube. I always thought that was a sort of
last resort, but they say no, even if one can still eat thru the mouth,
(which she can, its just getting harder) a feeding tube helps to make sure
that she gets the needed nutrients, etc. Keep up the prayers, as life
goes on. The new bed is working great!



August 08, 2024 - Msg 120122: Hey MDC, Boo, Possum, Maude, G-F, MBM and everyone else who was freaked out cause Ed Sawyer knew something about you.

Been doing some soul searching. Deep soul searching. I think I have finally retired from news and politics. Per-man-ent-ly. I have been reading some articles about ignoring the news and they make a lot of sense. In the 248 years of our great country, we have never seen anything like this. And the world has completely imploded.'s not worth it anymore. I am turning 56 in a month and I have been really thinking. Big, huge stories will find their way to me. I will vote, but that's where it ends.
I am in utter shock, jaw dropping disbelief and shaking my head so much, I may never have to see a chiropractor again. Life is too short as I have a very complicated life. Time to turn off one of the faucets. As our great Romeena would say, soap box back under porch. Well...that wasn't so much a rant as it was a realization.

Prayers and well wishes all around. Have done this in a long, long while, so SONIC drinks are on me ;)

Be blessed, y'all!

John Masters

August 08, 2024 - Msg 120123: ^^ Haven't done this


August 09, 2024 - Msg 120124: JM...I fully understand, I do very little news watching and social media stuff also. So feel free to stop by the Porch and discuss REAL issues like why didn’t we ever know who Mr. Schwamp was and not to mention the great Mayonnaise debates of the past.

You are amongst Friends here,so sit down, relax, take your 👞 off Y’all come back now ya hear?......
Sorry (Wrong Show)...🤣

G-F ...*As George Lindsey once said of Goober after a good meal.....”Great 🧂 salt! ”...🤷🏼‍♂️🤣

August 09, 2024 - Msg 120125: Question for the porch....
what were the politics in Mayberry?
1. Barney runs for sheriff
2. Howard and Aunt Bee run for town council
3. Sam and Emmett run for town council

Am I missing anything else?

John Masters

August 09, 2024 - Msg 120126: Hey Y'all- Well,just as Andy told Goober,the sun is shining in my back door again! After an entire week of having Tropical Storm Debby sitting on top of our state,she's finally moving out of here. Hit us pretty hard one final time last night & a lot of my old stomping grounds are flooded out but I just won't go stomping for a while,I guess. Thankful that me & mine made out well!
I hear ya about staying away from the news. JM. I don't know what happened to the world but it's sure not like the world I grew up in. And the biased media-good grief! I just pray and shake my head.
Y'all take care and if you're in the path of Debby, I wish you well. She's quite the rainmaker!

possum u.a.r.

August 10, 2024 - Msg 120127:

HI ALL! Yup, JM, we haven't had a good moulage 'round here for
quite some time. I used to pull out that soapbox, and it may be
time to do it again! ha
Regarding politics in Mayberry, how could you overlook Miss Ellie
running for council? Oh, and if we go all the way to Mayberry RFD,
wasn't Sam the mayor. And we got some mayberry remarks from both
Mayor Pike and Mayor Stoner...that's S T O N E R. :) here, here,
that's what ya say at meetings.
But I have been a bit disappointed with me-tv lately as they are cutting
more and more from several recent episodes.
But MAUDIE, tonight your ep was on! I really like that one. That's where
Ro got her saying "you're a treas-a."
Possum--so glad that you and yours are OK! Thanks for checking in.

August 10, 2024 - Msg 120128: John Masters, land sales, land sales, you forgot about Miss Ellie running for city council. I'll let you slide on the hot water line to the drinking fountain political intrigue, since that was probably covered up.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 10, 2024 - Msg 120129: Hmmm. My phone changed land sakes to land sales. I wonder what causes that. And I see MDC already chided you about Miss Ellie. I didn't mean to chew the political cabbage twice.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 11, 2024 - Msg 120130:

Thanks for your continued prayers. :)

August 11, 2024 - Msg 120131: Yep, I sure forgot Miss Ellie. Yeah, Billy Ray, I remembered Floyd's courageous battle regarding the drinking fountain, but I was thinking full episodes about politics.

Good Sabbath, all!

John Masters

August 11, 2024 - Msg 120132: Hey everyone, sorry its been so long. Been super busy around here. Had three family birthdays within 2 weeks, lots of extra work at the agency, St Susan's husband Pat had heart attack and a stent put in, and their son Matt had psychotic breakdown after going off his meds and drinking too much. So, its been eventful! Things are better now and Pat is ok, and Matt hasnt had a drink in almost 3 weeks and is going to AA meetings (thats a first for him). Hoping and praying he continues in sobriety.

Can you believe my baby Erin is 23 this week?! Doesnt seem possible. She is still in the toxic relationship but seems to be wising up. Im praying and hoping. At times like these I really wish Romeena was around to tell me to stay on the right track. I miss her and Asa.

I'm right there with you, John Masters. I have older friends and family who literally sit and watch Fox news all day, every day. It's not healthy. I gave up watching the news quite a while ago and my quality of life greatly improved. I also dont discuss politics because I never know what is going on. lol Its been great and I am much less anxious. I say we all need to make the best use of the days we have left by counting our blessings, and helping the folks around us. Love God and neighbor. That is what we are called to do. Besides, you never know what to believe the way they intentionally twist the news to attain whatever means they want to attain. Its all so greasy, as we say in Texas.

MDC, a feeding tube can be a really good thing, and is absolutely not a last resort kind of thing. Remember, if it is getting harder for her to swallow, she could aspirate fluids into her lungs and get really sick. You don't want that to happen. Praying for you both.

Better get moving. Break over!


August 11, 2024 - Msg 120133: Good Sunday evening folks. Just stopping by on my way tontje ironing board.

It’s good to see everyone. Prayers for Cecile and MDC,Boo, JM, GF, St Susans family, Charlotte and everyone else I may of missed.

Also asking Prayers for a situation with
Mr Maudes only living brother. It it a crazy situation which would take too long to explain. Not at all sure how it will work out but hopefully it will.

Also asking for prayers for my sweet daughter in law Daysie. She has pulled a major muscle in her back and has been in a great deal of pain.. We kept Tripp Friday night so my son could take her to the ER ( which meant she was in a lot of pain for her to agree to go to the ER). They were there from about 8pm to
1:30 am. Hopefully she is feeling better and is on the mend. We absolutely loved having Tripp and he did great with us.

Hey to Boo. Hope all is well with you.

Hope everyone has a good night and a great Monday.
Prayers and blessings to all
Big Maude

August 12, 2024 - Msg 120134: I have a friend who's mom went through clinical depression. Part of her treatment was that she could not watch the news! I've gotten to the point I don't want to watch it anyway. I'd prefer to watch some calming singing from Leonard Blush anyway.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 13, 2024 - Msg 120135:

Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, is that all you can think about? :)

August 14, 2024 - Msg 120136:

HI ALL, Man in a Hurry was on tonite, one of my favs.
The final scene of malcolm sleeping was always hard for me
to figure out for me until about 10 years ago when
I realized that they were zooming in on Tucker's apple.
I hope all are well.
Please come by and sit when ya can.

August 14, 2024 - Msg 120137:

I thnk it was when the "digitally remastered" DVDs came out.

August 15, 2024 - Msg 120138: I was thinking... we ought to try and get Sonic to sell raspberry sno cones. You know...the kind you bite off the end and suck all the juice out of the bottom.


John Masters

August 15, 2024 - Msg 120139: I just saw this online. Grab ya' a bucket, put it on your head and take a "thank" about this...

"How was it that Thelma Lou worked in an office and lived in a house and Barney worked for the county and lived in a single room in Mrs. Mendlebright's boarding house?"

Good question!

John Masters

August 15, 2024 - Msg 120140: I got to thanking about Mrs. Bendlemright and wondered about those 40 watt bulbs. I can't imagine they saved more than a couple pennies a month than 60 watts.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 16, 2024 - Msg 120141:

Easy answer JM, Thelma Lou worked in an office, yes;
but what did she DO in that office.
Maybe she was the CFO or something like that! :)

And BRRP, maybe that "bulbsnatcher" was that much
of a mizer. :) But then again, she did say that the end that
100 watts was OK, PLUS cooking with the hotplate!

BOO--it was good to hear from you, and to be honest I actually thought
that Erin was more like 26! ha How is your son these days?
Boy, you sure did have your hands full with the bd's etc.
MAUDIE, Prayers for you and yours, hoping the crazy situation will
be worked out. I've read recently that ERs are quite
understaffed right now. Things are crazy all over. Lord
Jesus help us.
Love you all,

And Maudie, you too.


August 17, 2024 - Msg 120142:

GOOD SABBATH to all! :)

August 18, 2024 - Msg 120143: Good Sabbath to all!
And MDC, quit pullin' horse hairs outta' your lapel!
And no more tradin' on Sundays, Billy Ray!

John Masters

August 18, 2024 - Msg 120144:

Boy, the porch has been a bit empty lately.
Charlotte, KY Girl and others, ya all come back please.
JM, good to see ya. I traded them for a penny run over by a train
and some licorice seeds. :)

Cecile and I both got pedicures together on Saturday.
That was fun, never did it before. Not exactly a Barbara Eden
doing mine, but very nice indeed. Same with Cecile's.

Today I polished both pair of my dress shoes, and yes, I did do the heels. ha
I was gonna grease them, but didnt want all the cats followin' me. :)

Last night we had a good gully-washer! We really needed it!
It came down at about 3 in the morning!

I hope everyone is doing OK.
God bless,

August 19, 2024 - Msg 120145: MDC, good that you remembered ol' Hugo Hauptfleisch's advice.
A good gully washer is just shy of a flood. Good thing you didn't have to deputize Gomer again!


John Masters

August 21, 2024 - Msg 120146: Greetings Porchsters. I ain't been doing much but lazing around the porch and occasionally going to the gas station for a bottle of pop.

Had an amusing conversation at work Saturday. Greens get mowed four days a week. You always want to cut in a different direction so the four days imagine we mow North to South, East to West, Southwest to Northeast, and Southeast to Northwest. I mow Friday and Saturday and those two days are SW to NE, and SE to NW. Friday we were rained out, so I wasn't sure the plan when I came in Saturday. I asked the other feller,who works all four days and should know, "What are we doing today?"

He answered, to my bewilderment, "There's four games today." I don't know what four games (I'm guessing golf) he means, and I say "I mean what direction are we mowing?" He says, "Oh I was telling you the football games I'm going to watch on TV." We all laughed at what a one track mind that football fanatic had.

Everyone remember to act like you're somebody.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 21, 2024 - Msg 120147: After rain outs you mow in a circle ⭕️ Is my guess...Like the beginning of The Twilight Zone?..G-F

August 21, 2024 - Msg 120148: Like this?...

August 21, 2024 - Msg 120149: Leaves everyone time to watch football 🏈 It’s a Win-Win 🙌🏻

August 22, 2024 - Msg 120150:

Ha! That is great GF! I bet that guy also has a Rumba vacuum! :)


August 22, 2024 - Msg 120151: I might try that on the greens by tying a rope to the flagsticks. That'd give me time to practice more and get my scores higher.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 23, 2024 - Msg 120152: Just a thought..
In "Sheriff Barney," when Barney gets discouraged after Andy solves the chicken wire fence problem, he goes into the street and kicks a tin can out of anger.

Shouldn't he have picked up the can because it was litter?


John Masters

August 23, 2024 - Msg 120153:
Hey JM, I have often thought that same thing! HA!
Afterall, he cited the escaped con with littering a cigarette pack. :)
Last nite was the Mountain Wedding episode. I like it for the music
and Charlene, and very funny when Ernest T runs off with Barney!
More later,

August 24, 2024 - Msg 120154: Murphy's House of the 9 Flavors:
1. Vanilla
2. Chocolate
3. Peach
4. Strawberry
5. Fudge
6. Pistachio
7. Chocolate chip
8. Blueberry
9. West Indian Licorice Mocha Delight

Something looks WAY off here, doesn't it?! LOL!
Naturally, I made this up, but it is kinda funny to use your imagination and wonder what the other eight Murphy's flavors were.

John Masters

August 24, 2024 - Msg 120155: I have to agree with the not watching much of the news.I listen long enough to hear the headlines then I am done listening.I just can't believe how crazy things have gotten.MDC prayers for you and Cecile. Also Boo My prayers are with you and your family.That is slot going on at one time.Maude prayers for your DIL.Backpain is debilitating.Yes I have also wondered what type of job Thelma Lou had that she could afford to live in the House.So far all is going well on my end of the porch.We had about 3 days of cooler fall weather.Tomortow we are back to the 80 degrees.Tske care porch friends talk to you soon- KY girl

August 24, 2024 - Msg 120156:

As far as Lou..It was thought that Thelma Lou worked in a office if I remember correctly, but never mentioned where.
I will throw out a guess...I picture her working in a office maybe in the accounting department at the furniture factory. Don’t know if they pay that good or maybe she inherited the house or just renting it...🤷🏼‍♂️ Quite the Mayberry conundrum..


August 25, 2024 - Msg 120157: Good Sabbath, Porch Family!

Been enjoying some cooler weather here at my rock but the heat is returning this week0ugh! Sure was nice while it lasted. Hopefully,Fall won't be too far off!
I've always thought that Thelma Lou lived at home with her parents or perhaps her grandma. Nothing in the show has led me to that conclusion,it's just a notion.

Continued prayers for Cecile and love to all.

possum u.a.r.

August 25, 2024 - Msg 120158: That's supposed to say " the heat is returning this week- ugh! "

possum again

August 26, 2024 - Msg 120159: It's over 90 in these parts of Ohio. I guess we got a little summer left.

I'm pretty sure I had an episode of vertigo Friday morning. It was pretty frightening. I could have used Nurse Peggy to help me through. Seems like it was just a one day problem. I hope so.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 27, 2024 - Msg 120160:

Billy Ray, it could be a symptom of something else.
I suggest seeing doc Andrews soon! (Seriously)

Prayers for all,

August 28, 2024 - Msg 120161: I was watching a color episode of TAGS this morning. “Opie’s Drugstore Job”. When he dropped the perfume bottle and broke it, wouldn’t he have noticed that it had no smell and was only colored water?... But I guess 🤔 it would have defeated the whole storyline....


August 28, 2024 - Msg 120162: I never thought of that G-F. I'm always flummoxed that the writers set the price of FIFTY dollars. That'd be about 460 today. I didn't know Mayberrians had such expensive tastes.

Billy Ray the Cheapskate Postman

August 28, 2024 - Msg 120163: G-F, the inconsistencies in TAGS are nu-mer-ous.
Here's one I caught the other "Andy and Opie's Pal," if you remember, that's Trey Bowden's debut, anyway, as Andy, Bee and Barney are eating dinner, Barney comments about how he and Andy would stay over at each other's houses and how they didn't want to sleep. Bee says to Barney something like "You probably didnt get much sleep, did you?" Wouldn't Bee have known that and been the one to discipline them since we know Bee raised Andy when he was no bigger than Opie in "The New Housekeeper?"

John Masters

August 29, 2024 - Msg 120164:

Wow, JM, that took a Trained Noticer for sure! Good thought.
GF and Billy Ray...I always wondered about that also.
A whole big jar would really "smell up the place." ha
My wife had a feeding tube put in on Tuesday. The operation went
real well and will help her tremendously to get some good nutritional formula.
It is getting harder for her to eat as this crazy als has weaken those muscles.
We are doing ok, and believe me, tags is a great diversion for both of us. :)
Like last nite on me-tv about Brisco declaring for Aunt Bee... we both
cracked up once again at that last line, "Your kisses are wonderful,
but they just aint worth the pain." :)
Weather is still staying about 107s lately which is not unusual for here in august.
Good to hear from KY Girl and Possum. Glad your weather is cooling off a bit.
Thanks for all those prayers. Really appreciated.
Ya all hang in there.
Come set a spell.


August 31, 2024 - Msg 120165: Hope everyone has a happy and safe Labor Day weekend.

G-F, I also have wondered why nobody noticed that the perfume didn't smell! Shoot,spilling a bottle of perfume that size,they ought to have smelled it all the way over to Mt. Pilot!
Continued prayers for you & Cecile, MDC.

possum u.a.r.

August 31, 2024 - Msg 120166: That same thought has hit me too, folks.

And Opie's line about Trey's father.."Except he don't have a pa. He's dead."
Just the way Opie says that line kinda seems a little too blunt and on the nose for a kid. Maybe that's just me.

John Masters

September 04, 2024 - Msg 120167: *crickets*

September 04, 2024 - Msg 120168:

JM and all, here's one to ponder...If Ellen Brown's profession was 'nails',
why didnt she just go to the beauty parlor next to the barber shop? ha
(Oh yeah, then there would be no episode! :) )

But here's something I've never noticed before, ME-TV just showed the
old man Frisbee episode, and when Opie is cutting wood for the coop,
there is one cut in the board, but in the next scene, there are 3
distinct cuts in the board. I gotta ask Mayberry Days G-F, has that
ever been brought up there?

All going ok here. The tube is working great. Thanks for the prayers.
Peace and God bless,

September 05, 2024 - Msg 120169: MDC...I don’t recall that question was brought up before, I’ll check it out too, I never noticed that one...
Good 👁 MDC....G-F

September 05, 2024 - Msg 120170: Greetings Front Orch: Why were there two Ben Weaver's on TAGS?

September 05, 2024 - Msg 120171: Medwin Bill Medwin

September 05, 2024 - Msg 120172: I wonder how many characters had two different actors. Wally had at least three and Floyd had two come to mind immediately.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

September 05, 2024 - Msg 120173: Land sakes, land sakes, I just discovered three people played Ben Weaver!

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

September 06, 2024 - Msg 120174: Yeah, BRtRP, I wondered about that too. The elder Ben Weaver died during the show's run and I always thought, using my TV imagination, that the younger, bigger Ben Weaver (from "The Shoplifters") might be his son named after him. Then the third one come along and destroyed the whole thought process. LOL!

There was a reason the first Floyd disappeared, but I forgot what it was. I imagine someone here knows.

John Masters

September 06, 2024 - Msg 120175: JM, for some reason I cant remember a third Weaver.

Hey to everyone. Sorry I have been AWOL for so long. Been working more and then caught Covid from a patient. Just getting over it and now Bruce has it. I guess Sean is next. Never a dull moment around here.

Hope you are all hanging in there and thinking on the positives. Wish I had some interesting news to share but same old thing around here. It has been rainy so at least we are cooling down into the 80s and low 90s.

Today was my first day back to work after being sick so now that I am home, going to go put my feet up and look for some TAGS. Love to all.


September 06, 2024 - Msg 120176: Almost forgot to share the best news of all. I think I mentioned St Susan's son Matthew and how he has been drinking himself to death. Well, after that last binge and his dad having a heart attack because of the stress, Matthew started attending AA meeting for the first time and has been sober now for almost a month. That is big news. He just got his 33rd degree in Masonry and is staying involved in doing something positive. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts.


September 06, 2024 - Msg 120177: 🙌🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120178:

I just played FOUR games of Skee ball! :)

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120179: MDC....Did you win a chalk Cupie Doll for your Wife?...Or did you opt for the electric razor?....G-F

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120180: Hey everybody-Boo,that's wonderful news! Well,not about you and Bruce having Covid. Sorry y'all were sick and glad to hear that you're doing better. Hopefully,Sean won't get it too. I meant,it is wonderful news about Matt. Praying that he stays on track with his sobriety.
The big news at my rock is that today is Laci's 21st birthday! No,that is NOT a typo-she is 21 years old today. Where in the world did the time go?! Thank y'all for caring about her & praying for her over the years.
Y'all take care and have a good rest of the weekend. Love to all!

possum under a rock

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120181: Prayers for your family with the covid Boo.I hope you are feeling better too.MDC glad to hear Cecile is getting the nutrition she needs.So glad to hear that great news about Matt.Boo.I know that is so hard to deal with and not overcome.I have had friends who have dealt with it.Praying for him.Possum Laci is 21?That seems very impossible.Hope she had a 😊 nderful birthday.Billy Ray I get vertigo once in a while usually from some sinus drainage.I get OTC motion sickness pills.It helps it drain.Hope that helps. Well I have been busy lately.My youngest son 26 had to nd my f season baseball games the last few weeks.It has been busy.He is on the spectrum and has finally this year decided to play with the Miracle League.He had done great and they are wonderful people who are involved.Well better get to bed.Prayers for you all-ky girl

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120182: End of season baseball games

September 07, 2024 - Msg 120183: Hello Gang ! whew - trying to get my winter garden planted . I have "LOTS" of reading to do. thinking
about everyone lots ! ok..signed:SPOT your talking dog of this here porch !

September 08, 2024 - Msg 120184:

KY girl, thanks for 'splainin' that f. Whew! haha
GF-no, won zilch! :) Find out anything about the wood?
Boo, Possum, and Spot! Good to hear from you all, and
prayers for all. GOOD SABBATH. More later,

September 11, 2024 - Msg 120185:

Yippie, by the end of this week it will only be 99 degrees! Woohoo! mdc :)

September 11, 2024 - Msg 120186: MDC...Just don’t pick your peaches 🍑 before the get fuzzed up ...G-F

September 15, 2024 - Msg 120187: Wow,the porch has been vacant for 4 days in a row.
Let's keep it going,please,y'all! It's been too good to us and we owe it to Millie,Rev, Asa, & Ro-and ourselves. I know life is a lot these days,but let's all try to rock a little bit more than we've been doing. Peace and Love to all.

possum u.a.r.

September 16, 2024 - Msg 120188:

Thanks Possum, I'll try to post soon!

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120189:

Yes, hello porchsters! Hmmm, I wonder where everybody is?
I just got busy with things. A few days ago me-tv showed the episode
where barney wears the heavy chain at the end, but it is also the
episode where his pack of cigarettes are evident in both his casual shirt pocket,
and his uniform shirt pocket.
possUM, I hope you are OK, I hear that the Carolinas are 'gettin some weather!" Keep low. We had a little rain here today, but it was more
like someones occilating sprinkler was turned on for 5 minutes. :(
BUT, our weather is to just be in the 90s this week. woohoo.
Oh, a new maintenance man was hired at our church last week, and his
name is Luke Comstock! ha I almost asked him today...but I couldnt get up
the nerve.
Well, ya all hang in there and APB for ALL! :)

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120190: Greetings, Porch

Yup, possum...I noticed that too. Fact is I was wondering if there was much reason to come back. Seems the time between posts is getting a little wider and a little wider.

MDC - Ah, you shoulda went for it. You might've been surprised by what he responded with!

Possum - You ain't kiddin'! Life with me and the Mrs. right now is like a 500 piece puzzle dumped on a table. It's a mess and all sorts of scrambled. She and I are fine, but we a LOT to do and manage.

Ok, folks...let's get this porch busy again! I'll set a couple of pitchers of sweet tea with cups here for everyone's enjoyment.

Y'all have a great night!
John Masters

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120191: but we HAVE a lot to do and manage. ^^^^^

John Masters

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120192: Hey MDC & John Masters! Good to see you both and please keep coming back to the Porch. Hope that the rest of out Porchsters will pop in from time to time as well.
Thanks for your concern, MDC. That tropical system off of the Carolinas didn't bother us at all,just brought some nice breezy weather. Parts of the NC coast got a lot of flooding rain,however,so praying for those folks up that way.
How'd you keep a straight face when Luke Comstock was introduced, MDC?! Now,you just have to find a way to talk TAGS with him! Ha!
Y'all hang in there and keep on keeping on.

possum again

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120193: OUR Porchsters, not "out"- sorry! Oh, and thanks for the sweet tea,JM!

possum once more

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120194: Happy Tuesday everyone! Just stopping by from work today. work has been busy and staying busy at home too.

It has cooled off some on my end of the porch and we are getting some much needed rain. The leaves are starting to turn colors but are falling fast . I guess its because it has been so dry.

Looks like everyone has been busy as well.

Mr. Maude and the rest of my family are doing well. Tripp (grandson) will soon be 10 months old, growing like a weed, crawling pulling up and trying to walk. He eats really well, likes most everything which is good. My daughter in law comes from a very tall family so hopefully he will take after them instead of me ( I am 5 ft tall lol). My son is 6 feet tall too that may help Tripp as well.

Prayers for MDC and Cecile, JM, Possum, SPOT, BOO,
Billy Ray, and everyone else.

I agree with Possum, we need to keep this ole porch going in honor of all those that have left us over the years. They would want it that way.

Prayers and blessings to all
Big Maude

September 17, 2024 - Msg 120195: Happy Tuesday everyone! Just stopping by from work today. work has been busy and staying busy at home too.

It has cooled off some on my end of the porch and we are getting some much needed rain. The leaves are starting to turn colors but are falling fast . I guess its because it has been so dry.

Looks like everyone has been busy as well.

Mr. Maude and the rest of my family are doing well. Tripp (grandson) will soon be 10 months old, growing like a weed, crawling pulling up and trying to walk. He eats really well, likes most everything which is good. My daughter in law comes from a very tall family so hopefully he will take after them instead of me ( I am 5 ft tall lol). My son is 6 feet tall too that may help Tripp as well.

Prayers for MDC and Cecile, JM, Possum, SPOT, BOO,
Billy Ray, GF and everyone else.

I agree with Possum, we need to keep this ole porch going in honor of all those that have left us over the years. They would want it that way.

Prayers and blessings to all
Big Maude

September 18, 2024 - Msg 120196:

IthinkI'veheardjustaboutenoughaboutthattomato! :)

September 19, 2024 - Msg 120197: Hey y'all- Porch still looks deserted except for Maudie and the mystery poster above. Good to see you Big Maude- wow, Tripp will be a year old soon & it seems like he was just born! These babies grow up so fast-cherish every moment. I still can't believe that Laci just turned 21!
Well, let's hope more porchsters start showing up around here. The Porch is getting to be a lonesome place.

possum u.a.r.

September 20, 2024 - Msg 120198:

I'm right cheer! :)
Just been busy, and that was me with the tomata!
Oh, to all and GF especially, I think I spotted yet
another blooper not brought up before.
In that scene with the tomato, Otis has tomato on his shirt collar,
but in the next cut, no tomato by the collar,
and then tomato on the collar. Ha.
Good to see Maudie and Posstum!
More later folks

September 20, 2024 - Msg 120199: MDC....Bruce Bilson (Assistant Director) stated in a interview at Mayberry Days several years ago, he stated they didn’t have great continuity at times. They would shoot different days and different sites and stages. It got difficult at times to keep things straight.

Black Day for the Mayberry Gold Truck episode too. Barney sure dried off quick in some rain scenes too!...

**Mayberry Days starts next week...🙌🏻


September 20, 2024 - Msg 120200: Hey fellas!

One of these days, I'm gonna make it up to Mayberry Days,G-F!

Y'all have a good day and remember to act like somebody!

possum u.a.r.

September 20, 2024 - Msg 120201: Hey folks!

G-F, MDC, did you notice how fast Barney's pant leg dried from all the gasoline Gomer poured in there?

John Masters

September 20, 2024 - Msg 120202: JM....It’s a wonder Barney didn’t go...BLEWIE! 💥 G-F

September 21, 2024 - Msg 120203: Just dropping in to say "Hey". Everyone is well here now and it was good to take a little time off work. Back at it now but trying to take less assignments.

Its funny how you imagine that when you get older, things will slow down but that really hasnt been the case for us. For us, when the kids grew up, I started working again so always lots to do. Two more years and Bruce says he will retire and we can hopefully do something enjoyable, Lord willing.

Gotta go, work to do.


September 22, 2024 - Msg 120204: Anyone notice in "The Merchant of Mayberry," when Andy is negotiating with Ben and Bert, Bert tells Andy he can start working for Ben as soon as he gets everything cleaned up, but then tells Ben he can start first thing in the morning when Ben asks when he can start?

John Masters

September 23, 2024 - Msg 120205: Hey Y'all- I neglected to mention Tom when I posted about us keeping the Porch going in memory of our old friends. I looked back in the archives and found a poem that Tom posted on this date back in 2006. I'll let it speak for itself-here ya go:

September 23, 2006 - Msg 45733: Hi All.
Nice day.
A family is a wondrous thing,
Bringing joy to heart
In trials it can comfort bring
As love it does impart.
As family means belonging
And standing by always.
We know we never are alone
And together we can pray.
Our earthly family is a gift
To be treasured with your love;
Tis a vision of the family
We'll share in Heaven above.


possum u.a.r.

September 23, 2024 - Msg 120206: Dear Porch Friends, Here to check in. Sorry for my long absence. The bathroom renovation took us 2 months, but is finally complete so now we will have a downstairs shower if needed in our old age! My hubby was a trooper doing all the plumbing, flooring, carpentry, everything with just me as his helper. I need some tome to catch up on the archives with what’s going on. Continuing to pray for Cecile, MDC. I will try to check in more often in the coming days. My Florida relatives who spend the summer in Illinois will be heading home on Saturday.
Best regards to you and yours,
P.S. I made 2 apple pies yesterday and thought of Malcolm and you all as I peeled the apples!

September 24, 2024 - Msg 120207:

HI ALL, just a quick hello tonight.
Good to see you all, Charlotte, possum, boo, JM etc.
Will try to post more soon.
Thanks for that "Tom poem" possum.
JM--Maybe bert figured that Andy would do the clean up! ha
GF--be sure to ask about the wood cuts at Mayberry Days.
I wonder what ever happended to MD and Sterling?
Hope they are both doing ok these days.
Pappa Bear called me the other day. He is doing pretty well,
all things considered.
Later, God bless, please pray for America. :)