advensleep | 95,208 | Aw, RATS! If you was stayin, I was gonna get to sleep.... |
beatfem | 63,446 | Does that mean we beat 'em, Paw?....... |
cap | 56,728 | If honesty is such a good policy, how come I'm out a cap pistol? |
do that 2 | 21,686 | What'd she do THAT for? |
duckpond | 34,406 | Why go to the duckpond at night? You won't be able to see the ducks!! |
facebleeding | 23,598 | PAW, PAW! Barney's face is bleeding!! |
grwmn | 50,816 | Paw? Mmhm? Just what CAN ya do with a grown woman? |
horatio | 30,748 | Poor Horatio |
hushup | 42,866 | Under the power invested in me..First they tell ya to speak up, then they tell ya to hush up. |
iboard | 26,568 | OH! I get to sleep on the ironin board! |
meat | 18,444 | MEAT!!!!!! |
notfriends | 38,642 | They ain't my friends. They beat me, and they got my medal |
prettygirl | 36,966 | Gee whiz, prettiest girl in town, and nobody cares. |
stay | 51,162 | Don't go, Aunt Bee, I don't want ya to. I want ya to stay! |