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HOME:Andy Griffith Show Podcasts
Two Chairs No Waiting Andy Griffith Show Fan Podcast
|  | The Two Chairs No Waiting Internet Radio Show (podcast) hosted by Allan Newsome. Allan is the webmaster here at and has been very active in The Andy Griffith Show (TAGS) community since 1992 running the daily e-mail newsletter called the “Who’s Been Messin’ Up the Bulletin Board” Digest along with multiple Mayberry related websites.
Two Chairs No Waiting has TAGS news, interviews, and pretty much whatever happens to be going on in and around Mayberry. We hope you enjoy it. |
Burke on Mayberry Podcast
|  | Podcast by Dr. Kevin Burke discusses the cultural relevance, morals and “just plain fun” embodied by “The Andy Griffith Show” (1960 – 1968). Kevin is going through the episodes one at time and commenting on each one providing “behind the scenes” tidbits and insights into TAGS episodes. His was the first Mayberry podcast on the web. |
Mayberry Bible Study Podcast
|  | Based on the Mayberry Bible Study originated by Joey Fann back in 1998.
Host Allan Newsome will be visiting episodes of The Andy Griffith Show and exploring how characters from The Andy Griffith Show behave. Does their behavior reflect poorly or positively, from a Christian perspective, on their character.
The podcast will be released randomly. We will listen to an episode of The Andy Griffith Show and then discuss what we might learn. The podcast will focus on the 16 public domain episodes of The Andy Griffith Show because we want to show good character and break no copyright laws as we study what the Bible teaches. |