Ben Matlock
43. [2-19]  2/23/88   THE LOVELORN

        Matlock sorts through the complicated family 'affairs' of
        a popular romantic advice columnist , while he offers his
        own advice to his client who's accused of the columnist's

        w. Max Eisenberg              d. Christopher Hibler
           music by Dick De Benedictis

        Gideon Harris.................Will Bledsoe
        Carol Weston..................Marta DuBois
        Lee Manners...................Madison Mason
        Craig Moore...................Jerry Houser
        Carter Weston.................James O'Sullivan
        Marjorie Manners..............Natalia Nogulich
        Sylvia Richland...............Jean Bruce Scott
        Mrs. Craig Moore..............Barbara Whinnery
        Dep.DA Baker..................David J. Partington
        Harold........................David Giella
        TV Crewman....................J.J.
        Judge Richard Cooksey.........Richard Newton