Volume 10, Issue 3 |
July 2010 |
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The eBullet
An Online newsletter of
"The Andy Griffith Show" Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC)
Volume 10, Issue 3
July 2010
Welcome to our third eBullet for 2010, the 50th Anniversary Year for "The Andy Griffith Show"! Celebrations of this year's milestone anniversary are starting to kick into high gear from this point on. Events and some more 50th Anniversary products are on the horizon. Many are timed to happen as close as possible to the Oct. 3 anniversary date. Here's all the latest:
*The Andy Griffith Museum, featuring Emmett Forrest's amazing collection of Andy Griffith memorabilia, is open on its regular daily schedule in Mount Airy, N.C. For info, visit the Web site at www.andygriffithmuseum.org or call (336) 786-1604.
The schedule for the day:
* Parade on Main Street with Mayberry stars, squad
cars and classic cars starting at 10:00 a.m.
* Classic Car Show in the parking lot of the
Graysville Community Center, immediately following the parade
* Mayberry Squad Car Nationals at the Count Istvan
Teleky Obstacle Course (a.k.a. the Graysville Community Center Ball
Field) at High Noon
* MSCN Awards Presentation and Trivia, Whistling and
Look-Alike Contests inside the very well
air-conditioned Graysville Community Center at approx. 1:15 p.m.
* Dinner and Mayberry Revue starring Maggie Peterson and
Rodney Dillard at the Community Center. Dinner will
be served at 6:00 p.m., followed by the show at approx. 6:45
p.m. Admission covering dinner and the show is $20.
Vendors will be on hand selling assorted refreshments, crafts and merchandise during the daytime portion of the festivities. Mayberry-like Graysville is located just a few miles northwest of Birmingham.
* July 16 and 17: James Best appears at the Johnny Lightning Fest in Dyersville, Iowa.
* July 22: James Best runs with the
Wisconsin Rafters for their baseball game at Witter Field in
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. For more info, visit www.raftersbaseball.com
* July 23: James Best enjoys the
quack of the bats at Warner Park for the Madison Mallards baseball game
in Madison, Wis. For more info, visit their web-footed Web
site at www.mallardsbaseball.com.
* July 23: David "Mayberry Deputy" Browning gets a double-take at the Elizabethton (Tenn.) Twins baseball game.
* July 25: Jim Nabors is in concert for a rare full performance after his official retirement in 2008. He'll be at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, Penn., for a show at 3 p.m. Tickets are $50 and are on sale now. For more info, visit www.amtshows.com.
* July 29: James Best is the
big lure for the Brainerd Lake Area Lunkers baseball
game at Stewart C. Mills Field in Brainerd, Minn. For more
info, visit www.lunkersbaseball.com
* Aug. 7: Maggie Peterson and
Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band will be joined by
several of the Mayberry Tribute Artists (including David "Mayberry
Deputy" Browning, Kenneth "Otis" Junkin, and Jeff "Howard"
Branch) for a concert benefiting the Montgomery County DARE
program. The evening concert will be at the James H.
Garner Center in Troy, N.C. Tickets are $20 reserved and $15
general admission. For tickets and more info, visit www.bluegrassintroy.com.
* Aug. 14: David Browning, M.D., is a pinch hit for the South Maryland Blue Crabs baseball game in Waldorf, Md.
* Aug. 21: David "Mayberry Deputy" Browning spins yarns for the Salem (Va.) Red Sox baseball game.
* Aug. 22: Maggie Peterson and Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band perform in the Mayberry Celebration at the Fountain of Life Bible Church in Johnson City, Tenn. David Browning joins them for the occasion.
* Aug. 28: David "Mayberry Deputy" Browning patrols Mayberry Date Night at the Forest Home Church of the Nazarene in Jonesboro, Ark.
* Aug. 31: Ol' David Browning, M.D., is on duty for the Friendship Retirement Community Retirement Center Senior Extravaganza in Roanoke, Va.
* Sept. 4: Cross paths with David Browning at Community Family Day in Crossville, Tenn.
* Sept. 5: Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band perform at the Boone Plantation BBQ Festival in Charleston, S.C.
* Sept. 10 & 11: Tom
Johnson RV revs up with David Browning in Marion,
* Sept. 16: Rodney Dillard and
the Dillard Band perform in Fort Payne, Ala. Details TBA.
* Sept. 23-26: 20th Anniversary Edition of Mayberry Days in Mount Airy, N.C. This is the big one! Guests confirmed so far include: Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou), Doug Dillard (the banjo-playing Darling boy), Maggie Peterson (Charlene Darling), Elinor Donahue (Ellie Walker), James Best (Jim Lindsey), Jackie Joseph ("Sweet Romeena"), LeRoy McNees (one of the Country Boys in "Mayberry on Record"), George Spence (Frank the Fiance in "Guest in the House"), Margaret Kerry (Bess Muggins and Helen Scobey), David Morris (son of Howard Morris), Laura Hagen (widow of Earle Hagen) and Karen Knotts (daughter of Don Knotts). More to come. Other festival favorites include a lecture by Neal Brower and concerts by The Doug Dillard Band (featuring Ginger Boatwright, Roger Rasnake, Buddy Griffin and Jim Vipperman) and by the VW Boys, the Rafe Hollister Band (no kidding!) and others. Full details, updates and tickets to those portions of the weekend that require tickets are available online at www.surryarts.org. They're expecting big crowds this year, so don't delay in making your arrangements to attend-including reserving hotel rooms. (Really...you should make plans right away!)
* Oct. 2: Long Branch Baptist Church in
Autryville, N.C., celebrates the 50th Anniversary of TAGS with
a day of music, memories and down-home fun. Scheduled to
appear: Rodney Dillard
and the Dillard Band, Maggie Peterson,
David "Mayberry Deputy" Browning, Jeff "Howard Sprague" Branch and
Allan "Floyd" Newsome. Possibly other special guests TBA.
The day will feature two shows by the performers
listed above as well as a meet-and-greet lunch. There will
also be a pickle making contest, a whistling contest, trivia
contests and other activities throughout the day. More events
still TBA. A Facebook page may have details at some point.
Autryville is located approximately 60 miles south
of Raleigh, 15 miles east of Fayetteville/Ft. Bragg and 80 miles
northwest from Wilmington.
* Oct. 3: 50th Anniversary of the airing of the first episode of "The Andy Griffith Show" on CBS.
* Oct. 7: Andy Griffith is among the second group of inductees into the North Carolina Music Hall of Fame in Kannapolis, N.C. For more info, visit www.northcarolinamusichalloffame.org.
* Oct. 16: The "Andy Griffith Show" stock car, driven by Travis Kvapil (#34), has its maiden race at the Banking 500, part of the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, at Charlotte Motor Speedway. The race will be broadcast on ABC-TV.
* Oct 16-21: A Cruise to Mayberry 5 to the Bahamas aboard Carnival's Fascination with Jackie Joseph (Mayberry's Sweet Romeena), the VW Boys and Mayberry Tribute Artists and possibly others TBA. For more info, call (336) 538-4926 or toll-free (800) 832-7993, or visit www.allaboutcruisesnc.net
* Oct.19: Doug Dillard is the featured Master Artist at the Annual Bluegrass Concert at Glenville State College in Glenville, W.V. Doug will be interviewed about his career and then do a concert with the college's highly respected bluegrass band led by Buddy Griffin. To add some extra Mayberry flavor to the evening, David Browning, a local Ernest T. Bass and a Mayberry squad car replica will be part of the evening. The show starts at 7 p.m. Advance tickets are on sale at the college at (304) 462-6340 for $10. If any tickets remain, they'll be available at the door for $15.
****News of Cast & Crew ****
There's a nice article in the July/August issue of AARP Magazine (the "world's largest circulation magazine") about Andy Griffith, Mount Airy, Mayberry Days and the 50th Anniversary. You can read it online at www.aarp.org.
The North Carolina Music Hall of Fame announced in April that Andy Griffith will be among the group of inductees on October 7. Also, Andy's most recent movie, Play the Game, and his second movie, No Time for Sergeants, are now available on DVD for the first time (see details below in the Merchandise section).
Ron Howard
hoists his Silver Hugo.
Ron Howard's next film as director is one currently titled Cheaters, which stars Vince Vaughn, Jennifer Connelly and Winona Ryder. It's slated to be in theaters in 2011. Ron was also honored with the Silver Hugo Award for career achievement at June's Chicago International Film Festival.
Jim Nabors sang "Back Home Again in Indiana" at the Indy 500 for the 32nd time since 1972. He has a date to do a full concert later this month (see Floyd's bulletin board). His concerts are quite rare since his official retirement a couple of years ago.
George Lindsey is enjoying retirement and is looking forward to a trip to see family in California later this summer.
In May, Betty Lynn was a big hit as the featured guest at the Mocksville (N.C.) campus of the Davidson County Community College for "An Evening with Actress Betty Lynn."
Betty made national news for less fortunate reasons in early April. She was outside a Mount Airy grocery store when her wallet was snatched from her hands by an interloping thug from out of state. Though it was a traumatic experience, Betty thankfully wasn't injured. The contemptible suspect was apprehended in a short time by the top-notch Mount Airy police. Betty got her wallet back with all critical items and some of the stolen money still in it. At last report, the despicable suspect was coiled up in the Mount Airy jail, where he awaits trial. Shame on you, suspected monster from out of town!
EVERYBODY OFF THE TRUCK?--Maggie Peterson prepares to disembark from her canopied, horse-drawn, pseudo-coupe during the parade for Mule Day/Chickenfest in Gordo, Ala. in May. Photo by Alan Thornton. |
Rodney Dillard and the Dillard Band at an IBMA celebration as part of the Music City Roots broadcast at Nashville's Loveless Café in June. |
Maggie Peterson was a huge hit
at the annual Mule Day and Chickenfest in Gordo, Ala., in early
Maggie's back in Alabama July 10 for the Mayberry Comes to Graysville festival/Mayberry Squad Car Nationals in Graysville (just northwest of Birmingham), where she will be guest of honor and perform along with Rodney Dillard.
Doug Dillard, Rodney Dillard, Mitch Jayne and Dean Webb (the four original Dillards, Mayberry's Darling boys) were individually honored by the Missouri House of Representatives with the Outstanding Missourian Award. Rodney was the only one of the four able to be on hand to accept his award in late April.
Meanwhile, Doug and Rodney have gone their separate musical ways again. Doug is getting The Doug Dillard Band together again (with Ginger Boatwright, Roger Rasnake and friends) for Mayberry Days in Mount Airy in September. Doug's house was safely on high ground during Nashville's recent flooding. Just a few days ago, he did a recording session with a fellow legend, Cajun performer Doug Kershaw. Keep up with Doug at www.dougdillard.net and www.hillbillyhollywood.com.
Rodney's current band is called Rodney Dillard and
the Dillard Band. (Rodney won't be at Mayberry Days in
September, but he will be at some other Mayberry events this
year.) Also, this fall Rural Rhythm Records will release a
new version of Rodney's I Wish Life Was Like Mayberry
Dean Webb is getting ready for another touring season with the Missouri Boatride Bluegrass Band. Most of their dates are near the band's home base in Missouri. You can see their complete schedule at www.missouriboatride.com.
Mitch Jayne continues to write his outstanding "Driftwood" column, which is syndicated weekly in newspapers in his area. And Mitch always has several other interesting writing projects in the hopper, including a book!
James Best was able to mix fishing with personal appearances and some book signings for his Best in Hollywood autobiography while making a swing through Tennessee in April and May. He has some good fishing spots picked out on his route for continued touring this summer, including Wisconsin and Minnesota.
James also was honored by his hometown of Corydon, Ind., with a two-day "Jimmie's Coming Home" celebration in early June. Among the festivities were two performances of his one-man show, In His Own Words.
Arlene Golonka and Jackie Joseph continue to be passionately active in Actors and Others for Animals and a variety of other charitable organizations working on behalf of animals. For many years, they have been tireless advocates for the better treatment of animals.
LeRoy "Mack" McNees, one of Mayberry's Country Boys, has been traveling and performing everywhere from Georgia to Guatemala to California, where he once again participated in the California Bluegrass Association's annual Father's Day Bluegrass Festival. LeRoy led a dobro workshop at the festival, and he and wife Janice led the Sunday chapel service. LeRoy and fellow Country Boy and Kentucky Colonel Roland White were among the pioneering legends of bluegrass recognized at the International Bluegrass Association's ROMP festival in Owensboro, Ky., in June. (The IBMA is celebrating its 25th year.)
TAGS associate producer and longtime personal manager Richard O. "Dick" Linke reports that he and wife Bettina are in the process of doing another major addition for their home in Hawaii. This time they're adding a couple of guest rooms and other features to make sure there's always plenty of room for visiting kids and grandkids.
London on “Get
Margaret Kerry (Bess Muggins and Helen Scobey) has recuperated well from recent emergency gall-bladder surgery. She's back at work on her autobiography and looking forward to her Mayberry Days debut in September.
It was fun to see Barbara Perry (Floss and others in four TAGS episodes) in this spring's hit romantic comedy The Back-Up Plan, which Barbara describes as her "singing debut."
We're sorry to report that actor and
writer Marc London died in Vero Beach, Fla., on
February 9, after a long battle with cancer. He was
82. He was born in Boston on Sept. 30, 1927. He
graduated from Harvard University and served in the Office of Naval
Intelligence before pursuing a career in show business.
He did standup comedy in places such as Green Mansions in the Adirondacks (with pal George Lindsey and others). His Mayberry connection is a bit part as film crew member Bob Saunders in "The Foster Lady" (Episode #186). He won an Emmy for writing "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In" and was nominated for Emmys a total of five times for work on that show, "The Muppet Show" and the 1983 "Kennedy Center Honors" special.
Robert Brubaker passed away on April 15 at the age of 93. Born in Robinson, Ill., in 1916, he had an extensive career on the stage before shifting his focus to TV and the occasional film role from the 1950s through the '70s. He performed in countless westerns.
He was in two episodes of TAGS, most memorably as Roger Milton, the badgering state's attorney in "Andy on Trial" (Episode #61), and as F.B.I. agent Frank Brewster in "If I Had a Quarter-Million" (Episode #149). He was also in two episodes of "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C."
**** Chapter Update ****
We welcome two new chapters since our last eBullet:
Mayberry West, Ephraim, Utah-My Hometown | Ephraim, Utah |
"One Cot, One Blanket, One Cracked Mirror" | Barto, Penn. |
We now have had 1,352 chapters founded since TAGSRWC started almost 31 years ago.
If you're interested in starting a chapter of TAGSRWC, all you need to do is choose a name that hasn't already been picked, and submit it with a list of your founding members by U.S. mail to TAGSRWC's HQ in Nashville. The hardest part is simply finding a name that hasn't already been chosen. There's a searchable list of chapter names at www.tagsrwc.com.
Once you successfully choose a name that's "all yours and nobody else's," you'll receive your Official Chapter Charter, fancily inscribed (and "suitable for framing") by a Sherry Hyatt, one of our "Compelsion Nuts" in East Tennessee.
What you do as a chapter is entirely up to you. Your group can do as much or as little as you like. The idea is simply to have lots of Mayberry fun with whatever you do.
Or if you're feeling more like a joiner than a starter, you can write to us about how to contact a chapter near you. Our address is TAGSRWC, 9 Music Square South, PMB 146, Nashville TN 37203-3211. Or you can join our online "Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board?" chapter. (It's really quick and easy to do. Info is at tagsrwc.com.)
Either way, we hope you can join the fun of being part of a TAGSRWC chapter!
**** Merchandise Update ****
A lot of exciting, newly licensed "Andy Griffith Show" items are in the works for this year. Several have already come out (see below). Some of the ones being released later this year will be in conjunction with the "Andy Griffith Show" Sprint Cup stock car that will make its debut in the Banking 500 race at Charlotte Motor Speedway on Oct. 16.
Most of the new products are tying into this year's 50th Anniversary celebration of TAGS. Here's a sampling of what's available so far, along with a couple of new DVD releases of movies starring Andy Griffith.
* 50th Anniversary T-shirt: $17.00
This shirt has a classic image of Andy, Barney, Opie and Gomer on a heavyweight 100% preshrunk cotton shirt. The color of the shirt? Why, Courthouse Coffee, of course!
No Time for Sergeants
$20.00 $16.00
This hilarious 1957 movie stars Andy Griffith as earnest bumpkin Will Stockdale and follows his adventures as an Air Force recruit. It's based on the best-selling novel and hit Broadway show, also starring Andy. The movie also features Don Knotts as a quirky Air Force psychologist.
* Play
the Game DVD
New on DVD in May, this award-winning 2008 release stars Andy Griffith as a retirement home resident whose grandson is trying to get him back into the dating game. Jerry Seinfeld's TV mom (Liz Sheridan) and "Everybody Love Raymond" mom, Doris Roberts, are among his new love interests. Also starring Marla Sokoloff and Paul Campbell. Bonuses for Mayberry fans are the appearances of Rance Howard and Clint Howard (Ron's father and brother). The DVD's features include deleted scenes and outtakes. Note: Rated PG-13 for language and sexual situations.
* Limited Edition "The Andy
Griffith Show"
50th Anniversary Portrait: $60.00
What a beautiful way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of TAGS! This handsome print is sure to be a cherished lifetime keepsake marking this special year in the history of TAGS. But more than a keepsake, it's a superb work of art whose many smiling faces will bring an instant grin to the face of everyone who sees it.
Printed with premium inks on archival paper, this outstanding 12 in. x 16 in. collage pencil portrait is signed and numbered by talented Wilmington (N.C.) artist George Murray and officially licensed by CBS Consumer Products. It's limited to a maximum of 10,000 prints.
The suggested gallery price for this commemorative print is $60, but we've got it for just $40. (Don't tell Ben Weaver how low our price is!)
Mayberry Law Tin Sign: $13.00
This keen tin is brand new in '10! It measures 16 in. x 12.5 in. Get tough in your neighborhood with a tin that'll really make folks grin! (And of course, no law office or law enforcement or security location is complete without one!) And remember what Barney says, "Don't be square, be rectangular!"
Note: There's also a set of all seven of the licensed Mayberry tin signs at a super-duper price!
We also have individual complete seasons of TAGS on DVD at a nice price, as well as a box set with the entire eight seaons, the "Danny Thomas" pilot and 1985's Return to Mayberry reunion movie. And we have individual seasons and the Complete Series box set of "Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C." and the first four seasons of "Matlock." (The Fifth Season of "Matlock" comes out July 20, and we'll of course be stocking it, too!)
**** First One Thing and Then Another ****
you're looking for a Mayberry T-shirt,
Mayberry for
your car, decorative wooden
building fronts (always especially popular during
holidays), Mayberry-related comedy
and music CDs, posters,
tin signs and artwork
(including some
autographed pieces), all variety of books
cookbooks, and even a Barney Fife light
switch covers
and a thermometer,
we've got most things Mayberry
online at Weaver's at iMayberry.com. Drop by and have fun
looking around.
And More...
We also have added a lot of vintage, unique and rare items to our online Weaver's Dept. Store at iMayberry.com this year. You'll find them throughout the site, but the greatest concentration is in the Collectibles & Special Items section. Most of these items are designated as fundraisers for Haiti Earthquake Relief, Tennessee Flood Relief, Mayberry Days and other charitable efforts. And there's just one or two of most of these items, so check them out while there still available.
Phone Orders
In addition to accepting orders online or by mail, our Weaver's Dept. Store has a phone number FOR ORDERS ONLY (615) 604-1298. The phone number is generally in operation from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT Monday through Saturday.
Please call this number only for ordering or for inquiring about orders placed by phone. All inquiries about online orders should be made online by writing weavershop@aol.com.
**** Chapter News ****
Leaders of "You Saved Mah Life!" chapter dropped us a line after a long quiet spell to report that they've officially relocated their chapter HQ from Westminster, Md., to Pasadena, Md. They're gung-ho for the 50th Anniversary of TAGS! As they might say, "It's a gas!"
HANDY MEN-It's not a stretch to say that some
characters are having a fun time with a televised
demonstration during Eagles' Wings Weekend in Tuscaloosa in May. Left
to right are Bob "Briscoe" Mundy, Allan "Floyd" Newsome, Kenneth "Otis"
Junkin, David Browning, M.D., and a local Fun Girl. TAGS cast
members and TAGSRWC, especially several of our chapters, have long been
involved with helping Eagles' Wings in its efforts to help local adults
with disabilities. |
GOOBER SAYS HAY-Lefty (at left,
of course) and
Captain,the two newest members of "PepperelliPizza" chapter are
whispering about starting their own chapter, "Hearty Eatin' Horses."
Captain was overheard horse-whispering to his pal, "Lefty,
you and me's bustin' out tonight." |
MAYBERRY TRIO-Emmett Forrest and Barney chapter's Phyllis Rollins are under the watchful eyes of another familiar face at the Andy Griffith Museum. Photo by Terry Mayew. |
HOLLYWOOD SMILES--Members of Mayberry
chapter pose with Ruta Lee during their visit to
Southern California in June.
The Sound Committee (New York, N.Y.) checked in with belated Christmas greetings a few weeks ago. (We think they've got the Mayberry pace down pat! "What indeed, friends, is your hurry?")
Pepperelli Pizza chapter (Raeford, N.C.) says life is imitating Mayberry as they recently provided a good home for two horses that were about to be homeless. Unlike when Opie had to take care of dairy-cart-hauling Dolly, the chapter's hoofed friends are having no problem maintaining a "very healthy appetite." There's no word yet on whether the pair have a good sense of direction about "East to West."
Members of Barney chapter (Greensboro, N.C.) have had all sorts of news. They've had they're regular monthly meetings, including one in Mount Airy, where they gathered to hear one of chapter leader Neal Brower's lectures at the Andy Griffith Museum. (Neal gave five lectures about TAGS at the museum this spring.)
The chapter is distressed that Neal and wife Toni and son Keaton have recently moved from Greensboro to Kannapolis, N.C. (Neal is a Methodist minister and the church routinely reassigns their pastors every few years.) But the chapter takes solace in the fact that Kannapolis is just a little over an hour from Greensboro.
The chapter's Jeanne Robertson, a renowned humorist and "the tallest woman ever to lose the Miss America Pageant," generously donated her time and talents to a fundraiser in Nashville for flood relief on Father's Day. Her show for a capacity crowd at a local church raised more than $20,000 for flood victims! Middle Tennessee thanks you, Jeanne!
"'Course I Don't Fix 'Em. I Just Put in the Gas" (Oil City, Ont.) called to say they're pumped about the 50th Anniversary and hope to travel south of the border for some of the festivities this year. On more than one occasion, they've been known to drive from Canada to Mount Airy just to get haircuts from Russell Hiatt at Floyd City Barbershop and to eat pork chop sandwiches next door at Snappy Lunch. "Nuts!"
Several members of Mayberry chapter
(Knoxville, Tenn.) were "off to Hollywood" in June for a visit to
Mayberry-related sites, including Franklin Reservoir, the site of the
old Forty Acres lot in Culver City and the neighborhood around Desilu
Cahuenga Studios (now Ren-Mar), home of the soundstages. They
also visited with TAGS guest stars Jackie Joseph, Ronnie
Schell, Elizabeth MacRae (and husband
Charlie) Ruta Lee and Margaret Kerry,
and also Karen Knotts.
"Shakedown! Shakedown!" chapter (Laurinburg, N.C.) says that when the dust finally settled, they counted 22 parolees at their latest chapter meeting/cookout. They're "busy, busy, busy" with plans for their July/August gathering. And they'll be out in force on the streets of Mount Airy for Mayberry Days in September.
Members of "Watch Out, Big Ears! There's a Crazy Owl Flying Around" chapter (Maiden, N.C.) recently made a trek to Mount Airy and were lucky enough to get a guided tour of the Andy Griffith Museum by Emmett Forrest, who showed them the latest additions to his magnificent collection of Andy Griffith-related memorabilia. They also report that their Snappy Lunch pork chop sandwich for lunch was as delicious as ever. The chapter also has been leading a Mayberry Bible Study at their church.
Members of "You Better Put a Buckeye in Your Pocket and Do the Incant for a Sore Foot" (Bessemer, Ala.) and Mayberry Minutemen (Graysville, Ala.) joined "Hearty Eatin' Men and Beautiful, Delicate Women" chapter (Tuscaloosa, Ala.) for a meeting in late June. There no doubt was some discussion about the upcoming Mayberry Squad Car Nationals and Mayberry festival in Graysville (see Floyd's event calendar above) during the meeting, but most of the news reported to us involved food. For the record, the chapter had all-beef hotdogs, cole slaw, baked beans, chocolate caramel brownies and ice cream-topped with chocolate morsels. For the evening's trivia contest, Rubye Taylor won the top prize of a dozen doughnuts. Kevin Snead got second place and the prize of a copy of Aunt Bee's Mayberry Cookbook, which we suppose he can now use when he has to bake his own doughnuts.
Members of the chapter also participated with one of their Mayberry squad car replicas in Hot Rod Magazine's 10-state 2010 Power Tour of classic cars in June. Like Daytona, the tour was just a tune-up for the Mayberry Squad Car Nationals.
Speaking of contests, Lindsay Browning, an affiliated member of "I Ain't No Rockefeller" chapter (Bristol, Va.), appeared, disappeared and-faster than you can say, "Tuscarora!"-reappeared in magician Michael Grasso's act on "America's Got Talent" in June. They "wowed" the judges and advanced to Las Vegas. Stay tuned along with proud parents David and Patty.
And Jeff Koontz, an active member of at least five TAGSRWC chapters in two states, was also a winner in June. His Triple Chunk Dark Chocolate Almond Cherry Ice Cream won the blue ribbon in the coveted chocolate category at the prestigious Miss Martha's Ice Cream Crankin' in Nashville. We haven't heard for sure but he could be eyeing a pickle contest next.
**** Mayberry on the Web ****
Some of the most energized daily and weekly Mayberry activity is on the Web. For the past year and a half, www.iMayberry.com/podcasts has been the home of the wonderful Two Chairs, No Waiting Internet Radio Show (a podcast) hosted by TAGSRWC's own Allan Newsome.
As most of our readers likely know, Allan is our Webmaster at iMayberry.com and has been very active in TAGSRWC for almost two decades. If you've attended various Mayberry events through the years, you've probably seen Allan as a tribute artist for Floyd the Barber.
Two Chairs, No Waiting has
TAGS news, interviews and pretty much whatever happens to be going on
in and around Mayberry. Each one lasts between 10 and 20
minutes. There's a new episode every Tuesday and also an
Archives in case you want to listen to episodes you've
missed. (Allan will soon tape the 92nd
episode, sure to be one of Floyd's favorites and one of the hottest!)
Many of the podcasts have interviews with cast members, including ultra-rare ones, such as recent editions including 1991 press conference comments by Don Knotts, Hal Smith and George Lindsey. There's a lot of info and discussions that you simply won't find anywhere else.
If you've got sound on your computer or have an iPod or similar device, you can easily tune in or download these podcasts. There are all sorts of ways to interact with the podcasts, including several options for giving your feedback. And there are other links, including a companion Facebook page, to keep up with all the goin's-on. And probably the easiest way to make sure you don't miss an episode is to subscribe to the podcasts. (They're free.)
So pull up a chair, grab a bottle of pop and enjoy the fun of listening to what is basically Radio Free Mayberry to you wherever you and your ears happen to be!
And TAGSRWC now has an official
page on Facebook, too! It's www.facebook.com/tagsrwc.
We started the page just a few months ago and already nearly 5,000
folks have found us and have become fans.
We hope you'll check out our Facebook page and be a part of helping it grow and spreading the word about Mayberry news and activities. Lots of folks enjoy just trading favorite lines or memories from the show. And it's a great place to find rare photos (we're adding more as often as we can) and interesting links. We invite you to share whatever's on your mind about Mayberry, and see what others are saying.
**** Miss Crump's Mayberry Quizzes ****
Miss Crump appears to be enjoying her summer break maybe just a little too much. She is nowhere to be found and shows no signs of wanting to put together a new quiz for her students. Even when Ernest T. asked her what he ought to do to advance his learning this summer, she replied, "You ought to try To Kill a Mockingbird." We hear from Dud Wash that Ernest T. then went off in the woods to do just that.
Anyway, we hope Old Lady Crump will have another quiz ready for our next eBullet-if nothing else, as sort of a primer for September's Mayberry Days Trivia Contest, "the Supper Bowl* of Mayberry Trivia." But we'll just have to wait and see. *It used to be known as the Super Bowl of Mayberry Trivia, but, because the "Hearty Eatin' Men" run the contest, the nickname has evolved.
**** Post Note ****
If you ever miss receiving an issue of The eBullet, you can always catch up by reading it in the eBullet Archives in the Newsletters section at iMayberry.com. Each issue is usually placed in the Archives within about a week of its being distributed.
Between issues of The eBullet, keep up with the goings-on in Mayberry with the daily "Who's Been Messin' Up the Bulletin Board?" (aka WBMUTBB) Digest. It's a free subscriber list that consists entirely of comments, newsflashes, and questions and answers from subscribers. You can sign up for that list by going to the "Mailing Lists" link at tagsrwc.com. WBMUTBB also has its own password-protected Archives where you can follow the ongoing stream of messages.
TAGSRWC also publishes Weaver's Newsletter in more-or-less alternate months to The eBullet. Like The eBullet, the Weaver's Newsletter is free. Its focus is mainly on new Mayberry merchandise and collectibles and quick newsflashes. To sign up, go to: Weaver's Newsletter Sign-Up
TAGSRWC's other main vehicle for Mayberry information is simply our Web site at www.tagsrwc.com (and its sister site www.iMayberry.com). Both sites have extensive content and links for just about everything a Mayberry fan might be looking for.
The next issue of The eBullet is scheduled for late August or early September, with the next Weaver's Newsletter planned for early August.