The Taylors' Front Porch
Pull up a chair! Have a sit-down an' shoot the breeze with us.
Later on, maybe we'll go down to the drugstore to get a bottle of pop . .
. maybe see what's showin' at the Grand . . . . What
you gonna do tonight, Barn?
March 11, 2025 - Msg 120552:
Hi porch friends.I am sorry it's been awhile since I have had a chance to stop by and visit.First let me say I am so sorry to hear of your loss MDC.My prayers are with you.Also possum so sorry to hear about Mr.Possums stroke.I will keep you both in my prayers.I was reading the post about Hazels potato salad.Could I get that recipe too? I am not good at making potato salad.Take care everyone-ky girl
March 11, 2025 - Msg 120553:
Hey, k-y girl! Welcome! Welcome sweet springtime. You caught me in the middle of singing with your sweep! Nice job. The porch looks so nice and clean!
Charlotte Tucker
March 12, 2025 - Msg 120554:
Hey there, KY Girl. Its always good to see you on the porch anytime you can drop in. Its like old times the way we are seeing some of the early folks rocking again. Blesses my pea-pickin' heart, as they say.
Nothing new on my end of the porch really. I have had a lighter work load this week, which is appreciated. Friday is going to be a tough load, though.
Blessing to all!
March 15, 2025 - Msg 120555:
Hello everyone! I had a fairly busy past few days. Getting some more
'stuff' done, but also went to lunch with friends, and have also been
working on some gardening, and hedge trimming. My dear other half used
to be quite the gardener, but me?, not so much, but I am trying. :)
I have a few doc appts coming up in this next week, yearly trip to my
cardiologist, and a 6 mo skin check at the dermatologist. When growing
up here, I was one who used to put on sunTAN lotion!! I dont even think
that sunBLOCK was a 'thing' back then.
Good to see Boo, Charlotte, KY girl and all.
Let's keep things going.
Love to you, and God bless,
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120556:
Just saw on the news of big storms in SPOT's area, and I think
Big Maude's and Possum's also. Please be careful out there.
G-F, you doing OK, havent heard from ya lately.?
Good Sabbath and prayers for all.
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120557:
I’m doing Ok..Staying busy working in my Lab. Just finished Opie’s Wild Cat Clubhouse. *As my mind see’s it!
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120558:
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120559:
Glad you are ok GF. Thought maybe you were working
overtime with the snow-joe!
I hope the others in the storm area will check in soon.
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120560:
Glad you are ok GF. Thought maybe you were working
overtime with the snow-joe!
I hope the others in the storm area will check in soon.
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120561:
Oops, didnt mean to chew my cabbage twice!
March 16, 2025 - Msg 120562:
We're fine here,MDC. Thanks for your concern. Just a lot of heavy rain,thankfully, but other folks in places like Missouri and Alabama weren't so lucky. Tornadoes out there- I know that our Mayberry Tribute Artist ," Otis",well his hometown got hit hard but thankfully he and his home are fine. Sending prayers out to Gordo,Alabama and to all who were affected by the storms.
Gotta go get supper out of the oven before it burns! Peace and love!
possum u.a.r.
March 17, 2025 - Msg 120563:
Possum, I will send out a APB to Floyd, Pray he’s Ok. He will probably mention it on tonight’s podcast....G-F
March 17, 2025 - Msg 120564:
Possum.....I Heard it thru the 🍇 Line...He’s ok. It was 4 miles south of him...🙌🏻....G-F
March 17, 2025 - Msg 120565:
That's right, our Floyd is in Alabama too. I'm glad he's ok! Thanks for the info,G-F-appreciate it.
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today I'll use my official government name- ha ha!
o'possum under a rock
March 18, 2025 - Msg 120566:
Andy has fat wrists! :)
March 20, 2025 - Msg 120567:
Welcome, Sweet Springtime,we greet thee in SONG!!
possum under a pollen covered rock
March 20, 2025 - Msg 120568:
Hey Porch,
I caught this last night (since I am a trained noticer) the episode, "Aunt Bee, the Warden" during the dialogue of Otis telling the Gordon boys they lowered the quality and he found somebody who delivers, his right collar (our left) keeps going up and down.
Also, is it me or did Otis come in really drunk, then composed himself enough to talk to Andy, Barney and the Gordon boys, then become stinking drunk again when he and Andy pulled up to his house? Seems like his drunken stooper had a slight lull during him talking.
Have a good 'un.
John Masters
March 21, 2025 - Msg 120569:
Hey JM, those are some good ones, I got out my dvd's tonight, and will watch that episode.
I'll check that out.
Well, I finally got my taxes done. I am still old school,
and fill out the senior form by hand, and state too. but also just use the standard deductions. Not enough to do a sch A anymore.
are all doing ok after that storm that went thru their areas.
PLEASE CHECK IN when you can.
And, yes POSSUM, we need a good springtime song! :)
March 22, 2025 - Msg 120570:
Good Sabbath to all. Please check in when ya can. MDC
March 24, 2025 - Msg 120571:
I'm right here, MDC! Hope you are adjusting to the changes, I'm sure it's hard at times. I am facing many challenges with my Mr. Possum but am thankful that he is doing as well as he is. I don't sleep for worrying over finances. I don't know how we're going to make it now that he can't work,but God knows and I'm trusting and keeping the faith. Still, it's hard,especially at night when my mind goes to all the worries. Y'all please keep us in your prayers. Love y'all. Take care.
possum under a rock
March 25, 2025 - Msg 120572:
Possum, I urge you to read Philippians 4:6-7.
I pray that it will give you some peace. It helped me
thru many nights to sleep better.
Try to not be anxious. He is right there with you.
And as Psalm 23 says, you are walking THRU a valley,
there is an outlet, you're not stuck IN the valley! Praise God.
My prayers are with you and Mr. Possum. :)
Let me know if the porch needs
a sweep
This version of The Taylor's Front Porch
has been created to pay our respect to the original porch found on
Thanks to Frank for all the work he did for Mayberry on the web. We've tried
to make this just like Frank's Porch. This is also a tribute to Ollie's
"Trivialities" site which was another homage to Frank's porch but is no longer
with us.