January 21, 2025 - Msg 120466:
I'm so sorry for your loss Prayers !
January 21, 2025 - Msg 120467:
January 21, 2025 - Msg 120468:
Land sakes, it's minus 2 in these parts. It shouldn't be allowed to be below zero.
Billy Ray the Retired Postman
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120469:
Nice sweep, Spot! Maybe your broom can sweep some of that snow off that they’re getting in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida. Strange times. Curious! Wide awake at 1 a.m. ugh. Sleep well, TAGS family!
Charlotte Tucker
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120470:
And South Carolina, Charlotte! Waking up this morning (haven't been outside yet) to what looks like 3-5 inches of snow. unreal! DANG cold,as our Rev would say- they got it up where he was from ,Prosperity SC too. Hope everyone is staying safe & warm because this is some really extreme winter weather.
Wanted y'all to know that my Mr. Possum had his first day of inpatient rehab yesterday & the neurologist says he is doing much better! I called and spoke to Larry last night and it was like old times,a regular conversation with NO confusion at all!! So proud of him and I know he'll keep working hard to overcome the setbacks (expressive aphasia) caused by the stroke. I'm seeing prayers working,y'all- please continue to pray. Thank you.
possum under a snowy rock
P.S. My prayers continue for you, Steve. God bless you.
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120471:
And South Carolina, Charlotte! Waking up this morning (haven't been outside yet) to what looks like 3-5 inches of snow. unreal! DANG cold,as our Rev would say- they got it up where he was from ,Prosperity SC too. Hope everyone is staying safe & warm because this is some really extreme winter weather.
Wanted y'all to know that my Mr. Possum had his first day of inpatient rehab yesterday & the neurologist says he is doing much better! I called and spoke to Larry last night and it was like old times,a regular conversation with NO confusion at all!! So proud of him and I know he'll keep working hard to overcome the setbacks (expressive aphasia) caused by the stroke. I'm seeing prayers working,y'all- please continue to pray. Thank you.
possum under a snowy rock
P.S. My prayers continue for you, Steve. God bless you.
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120472:
Didn't mean to chew my cabbage twice~ my internet did something weird in the middle of me posting!
possum again
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120473:
My sister from South Carolina sent pictures of snow down there. Maybe 2 inches. I was there a week ago and they had a little dusting then. It's supposed to get up to 21 in Ohio today.
Billy Ray the Freezing Postman
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120474:
Bet your sister lives in Upstste SC,Billy Ray. They didn't get as much snow as Lowcountry and Midlands got. Very weird because it's usually the Upstate that gets the snow on the rare times it happens here.
Y'all take care and stay warm!
possum once more
January 22, 2025 - Msg 120475:
Hey possum! Yes, SC too! My former hairdresser moved there. She posted pics on FB today. Crazy weather! Prayers for Mr.Possum!
Charlotte Tucker
January 23, 2025 - Msg 120476:
Just checking in on my way through..got to go see a patient in a minute. Hope you all are warming up a bit. It is up into the 50's-60s here in south texas today, which feels like beach weather after the cold and ice we had this week. I am going out in a tshirt today. We used our fireplace every night which was really nice, and Bruce and Sean got a day off work due to ice on Tuesday. Crazy thing is that on Tuesday, 88 traffic accidents were reported to police in corpus christi. They dont know how to drive on ice down here and are ignorant about slowing down or preventing accidents. I just stayed home to avoid problems.
Prayers going for MDC. He is on my mind often throughout the day. God grant him grace and comfort.
So glad Larry is doing better, Possum. Continued prayer for him and your situation. Love you, girl.
Better get going,
January 23, 2025 - Msg 120477:
Just checking in.
Thanks for all the prayers.
Lots of planning and also family members
coming in, etc. Funeral will be Feb. 10.
Will be back sometime, and thanks for your
greeting and condolences too.
Steve MDC
January 25, 2025 - Msg 120478:
Hello Steve, thank you for checking in. Prayers continue for you for strength and peace in the days ahead. Please email service details if you would.
Your porch family is here for you,
January 28, 2025 - Msg 120479:
HI ALL, pretty quiet on the porch, hope everyone is OK.
Just letting you know that my wife's obituary is now
online at
All is going pretty well. Family members and siblings are
God bless you all! Love you,
January 28, 2025 - Msg 120480:
That's a lovely obituary for Cecile, MDC. My prayers and thoughts are with you,my friend.
My Mister Possum is doing well,supposed to come home from hospital on Thursday.Please keep us in your prayers,say a few extra for me,as I am dealing with a hard wired and controlling family member of his. I spoke my peace and let this person know that I will not tolerate being talked to the way I have been,you might treat everyone else that way but you will not act like that with me. Hopefully,we are clear on that. Said person is supposed to come to the house today to help move our bedroom to a room downstairs. Not looking forward to this at all but I have to accept the help and deal with it. Trying hard to keep my sanity and my peace, y'all!! Everyone take care-love to all.
possum u.a.r.
January 28, 2025 - Msg 120481:
Steve, very kind words, obituaries kinda sum up a person's life in a short story, you guys story is a good one!…Bless you both!
Hang in there, we know it will be hard row for a while.
But having Family does help the process, with both yours and your Porch family…
Possum, prayers for you too, and Mr. Possum as he recovers..May you find peace & guidance in the process…
God Bless….G-F
January 28, 2025 - Msg 120482:
Thanks, G-F. No problems at all today with that certain person. We worked well together and got a lot accomplished. Hopefully she's realized I'm not having her come at me with that attitude she uses on everybody else. Praying things stay on an even keel. Appreciate all the kind thoughts and prayers.
possum again
January 29, 2025 - Msg 120483:
I'm sorry, I don't come on here very often and I just saw that Steve posted that his wonderful wife passed away. Steve, I am so sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know how much you dearly loved her.
January 30, 2025 - Msg 120484:
Land sakes, it's up to 50 degrees in these parts. A real heatwave. Can someone give me this year's schedule of the Meetup and Mayberry Days? I keep thinking about going each year and then just sort of let time pass by until it's too late.
Billy Ray the Retired Postman
January 30, 2025 - Msg 120485:
Hey Y'all- Mr. Possum came home yesterday-the hospital threw a big monkey wrench at us,as we were initially told that today would be his discharge date. Had to really hustle to finish getting the room downstairs fixed up into a bedroom,but got it done and he is doing good and is happy to be home. Appreciate every prayer-please continue to pray for us. Thanks,y'all. Love to all.
possum u.a.r.
January 30, 2025 - Msg 120486:
Hey Billy Ray... Here’s the link..G-F
*Book your room early...Motels fill up fast, especially for Mayberry Days..
January 30, 2025 - Msg 120487:
That’s Good News Possum....G-F
January 31, 2025 - Msg 120488:
Thank you Hazel for all your prayers.
Things are going pretty well as relatives
come in from several states.
More later. Love you folks,
January 31, 2025 - Msg 120489:
Hey Possum........Check Your e-mail....G-F
January 31, 2025 - Msg 120490:
That was a very lovely tribute to Cecile, Steve. She sounds like she was a wonderful wife and life partner. You were blessed. I’m sure your house will seem empty. You need to visit us here on the porch when you can. Continued prayers for your hubby, possum. I am glad you didn’t have any problem with the family member and were able to get the bedroom set up. Not much happening here. The weather isn’t bad for January. I’ve been swimming at the local hotel nearly every day. We did get to our son’s woods (not old man Kelsey’s) and did some chainsaw and trim work. Hey to G-F and Billy Ray and Boo and good to see you, Hazel!
Checkpoint Chickie Over and Under uh er Over and Out 10-4
Charlotte Tucker
February 02, 2025 - Msg 120491:
Hello all. Just checking in again.
I think all the needed arrangements are finally made.
I am still doing OK, even watched some
ME-TV tags on Friday evening. Another sibling and her husband will be here on Wed. The ceremony might be livestreamed, but i have to double check on that, as not
too sure how all that works.
Meanwhile did Phil see his shadow today? :)
God's peace and Good Sabbath.
February 03, 2025 - Msg 120492:
MDC, Thanks for dropping in..Hang in there Buddy...As for the groundhog, Phil did see his shadow, but our “Buckeye Chuck”
he did not. So I guess it’s up in the air as to who you believe.
“Buckeye Chuck” has a higher percentage of accuracy though, so I’ll take Chuck’s prognostication and hope for an early Springtime.🌷🌻🌱..But I’m not OVEREXPECTING...
February 03, 2025 - Msg 120493:
I'm with Chuck! Bring on an early Spring!
THANK YOU, G- F! Got your package today- love it so so much! You're the cats!!
Continued prayers for you, MDC.
We're hanging in there,trying to adjust to a new way of living while also trying to hang on to as much of the old life as we can. Appreciate all of your prayers.
possum u.a.r.
February 05, 2025 - Msg 120494:
Land sakes, it's 32 degrees and raining cats and dogs in Ohio. That rain is powerful cold. I wonder if it's colder for giraffes. Maybe being up high, it's even worse for them.
Billy Ray the Retired Postman
February 05, 2025 - Msg 120495:
Hate to tell you this Billy Ray, but it was a sunny 80 degrees here in south texas today. It was the warmest day we have had in awhile. Supposed to be the same tomorrow. It is too humid, though, with lots of fog in the morning and evening.
Good to hear from you, MDC. We are thinking of you and sending up prayers.
Been working alot this week so pretty tired. I think I forgot to tell you all that I bought a car two weeks ago and already put 700 miles on it! That's home health nursing, though.
My old suburban was not doing well and lots of miles on it so I found a peach of a used car that was exactly what I wanted at a great price. I found a 2020 Toyota Highlander with only 26,000 miles on it and it looks like new. It has all the features I wanted and was owned by a lady who kept it in the garage (and her name was NOT Mrs. Lesh!). It drives like a dream and gets much better gas mileage than that suburban!...anyway, my original point was that I have a car payment now, so...more work for me.
Asking prayers for Sean. He has been having problems with anxiety on the job. Had a full blown panic attack last week because they are doing inventory in the tool room where he is the only worker and it is a very tough job, especially for someone who has dyslexia and has to work with numbers all day. Poor guy has had such a struggle all his life. I am praying he find the right counselor who will help him be able to deal with stress and not have panic issues. Its time to take this thing by the horns and find the right ways to deal with it.
Oh my gosh. I am sitting here at the keyboard, looked down at my left hand and noticed all the ropey veins that never used to be there. I'm getting old. I remember as a young girl how when my mama's hands started looking old it bothered me so much. Its such a start reminder of our mortality. Better things ahead in the next life, though, I say.
Better get off this computer and put my feet up for awhile. Been a long day.
Love to all,
February 08, 2025 - Msg 120496:
Happy Birthday, Charlotte Tucker!! You just sit right there and Spot will be over at noon to pick you up and bring you out to O' Malley's place ,where we'll have cake,candles,and some celebrating elixir! Whoo hoo! Party time!
possum u.a.r.
February 08, 2025 - Msg 120497:
If anyone is interested, I finished one of my projects for the Mayberry Days Auction, this year it’s “Ernest T’s Treehouse” I kinda visioned him living in a treehouse with his “Forest Friends”.
They posted my pictures on the Mayberry Days website here’s the link..... https://www.surryarts.org/mayberrydays/fun/auction.html
I’ve got several other projects in the pipeline, I’m starting “The Morrison Sisters Flower Shop next...This helps me get thru the cold 🥶 snowy Ohio winter...
Continued prayers for MDC and Mr. Possum and others who are struggling ... Happy Birthday 🎂 Charlotte Tucker too!
February 08, 2025 - Msg 120498:
Yahoo, a birthday party! Happy Birthday to Charlotte! See you at O'Malley's. I will bring the squeezin's as usual. (Hic)
February 09, 2025 - Msg 120499:
Wow, ya’ll! Hope I’m not too late to O’Malley’s to my own party! 🎉 Thank you kindly! I had a peach of a day yesterday, which began swimming with my daughter, then a ladies’ swap day at church, where we eat snacks, trade nice unwanted items, and chit chat (even though I know Lydia hates chit chat!) Last night my aunt cooked us a whale of a supper of pork roast and yummy sides followed by a delicious chocolate cake with whipped cream filling! My aunt might cook even better than Aunt Bee and Clara Johnson/Edwards! Boo, glad you got a better car, but be sure there’s no sawdust in your differential! Thanks possum and everyone for birthday wishes! I’m heading to the link to check out G-F’s creations. I, too, think Ernest T would live in a treehouse. Continued prayers, MDC and for Larry too, possum and for Sean. May the Lord grant peace to all.
Charlotte Tucker
February 09, 2025 - Msg 120500:
G-F, what a lovely treehouse! I wish I could add a photo to show you the gnome house Malcolm made me from a tree stump. It’s not as detailed as your house, but I sure like it. I’ve put fake snow and snowmen around it for winter, and save the gnomes for good weather.
February 10, 2025 - Msg 120501:
Thinking of you and praying for comfort snd strength for Cecile’s service tomorrow, Steve.
February 10, 2025 - Msg 120502:
Love the Ernest T. treehouse G-F! Boy,some TAGS fan is going to really enjoy that!
MDC, I was able to view Cecile's service online today- it was nice to see you and hear you speak,in spite of the circumstances. I thought it was a lovely service. Beautiful flowers,beautiful photo of Cecile,yes,quite lovely. My prayers continue for you,friend.
Glad you enjoyed a nice birthday, Charlotte!
Y'all take care!
possum u.a.r
February 10, 2025 - Msg 120503:
Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we gave
Cecile a great send-off today; many, many more people than
I ever expected! She was indeed loved by so many!
And thank YOU for all your support. I will do my 'tags best'
to re-join you all soon; but now I have to go to Soc Secerity office,
insur@nce company etc.for the next week! Thanks for all the cards and kind words!
Ha, the "insur@nce censor got me!
February 12, 2025 - Msg 120504:
MDC, I’m glad Cecile’s service was so good. That brings comfort. I pray for your strength in dealing with all the tasks ahead by yourself. I’m sure it is all hard but even more so without your other half being there for moral support. I think about the pleasant, peaceful last Christmas you two had together. What a blessing that was! Snowy on my porch here today.
Charlotte Tucker
February 13, 2025 - Msg 120505:
Beautiful service, MDC. She was an amazing lady.
February 13, 2025 - Msg 120506:
Hello again all, I just found out that Cecile's service
was recorded and will be at this link for 10 days if any of
you would like to check it out.
To skip pre-servic 'milling around'
cue it to 7:15 where I give a few announcements, and the eulogy
by my sister is at 52:50.
Love ya,
February 16, 2025 - Msg 120507:
Well, that was a quick "10 days." It has been replaced
already by a wedding! Oh well, that's ok.
All is going well. I hope you are are doing ok.
A very slow porch lately.
OK, I'll ask a tags question...
Was Miss Peggy the first female to wear pants on
the show ?(when she and Opie walked up with the fishing gear.)
G-F, what say you?
Have a good holiday,
February 17, 2025 - Msg 120508:
Hmmm, MDC, that’s what the internet says, but I swear I remembered Miss Elly in a black (I guess—everything was black or white lol) pair of pedal pushers. I’ll have to check my eps. Must just be in my imagination. We worked cutting brush in our son’s woods three days last week, but it’s supposed to be bitter cold here the next few days. But then possibly 50 the next week! I also just read the time change and 7 pm sunsets are only 10 days away. Yay!
Charlotte Tucker
February 17, 2025 - Msg 120509:
MDC... I believe Charlotte is correct on that, just don’t remember who was the first...G-F
February 17, 2025 - Msg 120510:
Hey to MDC, yes been kind of sparse here on the porch. I have been trying to check in when I can. We have been going through some things here with Sean. As I mentioned above, he has been suffering with anxiety and panic and it got worse. I had to take him for an evaluation at the behavioral hospital in the city. They placed him in an intensive outpatient program. Today was his second day and he is already doing much better. He was given a leave from work to complete the 20 day program with out risk of job loss. He sees a psychiatrist that is adjusting meds and does therapy, etc.
The weather here as been really beautiful but about to get some really cold temps on thursday they say. All my plants outside are black from the last freeze so bring it on, I guess. They always seem to come back in the spring.
I am trying to remember about the pants. I dont recall any girl wearing pants prior to Peggy but could have missed one.
Been feeling under the weather with a headache today and just tired. Think I will go rest and watch a little TAGS. Its leftovers for dinner.
February 17, 2025 - Msg 120511:
Well gang, setting here in the home office...logged on to check in..well here it was 70 about a week ago now headed down to teens mid week. We all good here .MDC gonna check out the link. Hey to G-F and Billy Ray and Boo and good to see you, Hazel!--Always Prayers to all..Well let me read and ck the porch out..Signed: SPOT your talking Dog of this here porch !
February 18, 2025 - Msg 120512:
Hey to you, Spot! Good to see you, Boo, G-F, and MDC. Hazel, possum, Billy Ray the Postman, Big Maude, and others, pull up a rocker. Let’s all sit a spell. We’re gonna have to send out an APB or set up a checkpoint chickie for some of you! Brrr cold on my porch this morning. Real feel -22!! 😳🥶
Charlotte Tucker
February 18, 2025 - Msg 120513:
Hey Y'all- Taking a few minutes away from my caregiver role to pop onto the Porch. Yesterday makes one month since Mr. Possum's stroke. He's doing good overall,has come a long way,but still some challenges. A bit of confusion at times,still. He's put toothpaste on his face,thinking it was shaving cream,he's done that twice now. Hard to see him like that but I realize he's going to have times like that every so often. He is conversing well,but gets hung up on which word he's trying to say,so it becomes a guessing game for me as I try to figure out what he's talking about. You can show him an object,for example,a banana,but he can't tell you the name of it. Give him a choice and ask if it is a banana or an orange and he can tell you right away that it is a banana. This aphasia is really frustrating-can't imagine how it feels for him. We're hanging in there,though and appreciate your prayers.
Sorry that Sean is struggling too,Boo and I am glad he is getting some therapy. Praying for y'all.
I can only picture Miss Peggy wearing pants on TAGS. Maybe Ellie did but I don't recall.
Y'all stay warm,it's cold out there again! Peace and love to all.
possum under a rock
February 18, 2025 - Msg 120514:
Hello Porchsters. I thought Frankie had worn jeans beneath her overalls. Don't recall for sure.
Powerful cold in these parts. High of 18 today.
Billy Ray the Retired Postman
February 18, 2025 - Msg 120515:
I somehow missed Hazel's post above. So sweet to see her on the porch. She is dearly missed!
Good to see Spot, too, as well as Charlotte, Possum, and all of you (dont want to unintentionally leave anyone out cause you are all special).
Thanks Possum. Sean is getting so much better and I am very thankful. He is learning ways to deal with the anxiety and started a new med that so far has had no negative side effects.
Charlotte, I saw where it was really cold up in your part of the country! Still warm here but supposed to get real chilly for a Texan here tonight. I have to work the rest of the week so will be out in it but I dont mind. Y'all know me by now.
Watched one of the Peggy episodes this afternoon while working on a quilt. It was the one when Aunt Bee went out of town and Peggy was helping with dinner, etc. I thought it was so silly and out of character for Andy to give a wit about what Floyd said about Peggy. Seems to me, that Andy would have been thrilled to spend some alone time with Peggy. He had a perfect opportunity to woo her and get some smoochin' in after Opie went to bed, and we all know that the real Andy would have tried to do just that. lol. Peggy was a dream, perfect figure, could cook, could sing, sharp dresser, had money, had a cute southern accent. She should have been "the one" but that is an old argument.
Better go finish dinner. Nothing fancy tonight, just fried meat patties, mac and cheese, and green beans. I have some leftover tater salad if y'all wanna grab a plate. I have chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
February 19, 2025 - Msg 120516:
Boo I will take a leftover
plate Please ! SPOT
February 20, 2025 - Msg 120517:
Hey SPOT, did you like the potato salad I made? I make it like my mom used to but cant ever seem to get it exactly like hers. She never used a recipe. I make mine with mayo and mustard (a good amount of each) mixed together with a dash of vinegar and about a tablespoon of sugar, then I add pickle relish and some grated onion, salt and pepper. I never put boiled egg in mine, though. ick.
Well, its pretty cold down here (for us, anyway) but I have been enjoying it and putting a fire in the fireplace every night. Have had to work and be out in it but its been fun. My new Toyota has a fine heater and heated seats so I'm good.
Hope the rest of you are staying warm and enjoying some TAGS as you hide from the bad weather. I took a fairly long sabbatical from TAGS after Romeena and ASa passed and am now able to watch it again and not feel that pain in the pit of my stomach. I still miss them, for certain, but it is getting easier.
Hope you are hanging in there, MDC. Think of you often and pray you are receiving grace and comfort from the Lord.
Not much new to say. Everyone is ok.
February 20, 2025 - Msg 120518:
Hey to the porch. Here I am again, trying to check in more often.
Boo, I make my potato salad following a recipe from my Better Homes and Garden "Salad" cookbook. It's so good. I used to haphazardly throw in this and that, and sometimes I'd come up with a good 'un, but most of the time it was just so-so. Until I discovered an actual recipe for it! Now I'm requested to bring it for so many functions. And I can't even take bragging rights, since it's from a cookbook.
I hope you're hanging in there, MDC, I'm still keeping you in my thoughts.
Sorry, sometimes I only spot-read the posts, and I guess I missed it about Mr. Possums stroke. I have an acquaintance who's husband had a stroke about a month ago also, and she is going through the same thing. I'm so sorry, it must be hard.
Speaking of Peggy, she was not my favorite girlfriend of Andy's. I know that's not a popular opinion, but there you have it.
February 21, 2025 - Msg 120519:
Hey all! Hey to Hazel. Prayers for Mr. Possum and to you, possum, as you care for him and prayers for Sean and MDC’s continuing comfort. Boo, I, too, agree with your summation of Peggy. She was my favorite. Helen was always mad about something and stomping off in a huff. Hazel, If not Miss Peggy, who was your favorite Andy gal! Billy Ray, I may be wrong about Ellie in pedal pushers (although I still have that image in my mind 🤔, but Frankie did wear overalls. Well, I’m awake at 4:32. I need to try to go back to sleep.
Charlotte Tucker
February 21, 2025 - Msg 120520:
Charlotte Tucker, I would have to say Ellie.
February 22, 2025 - Msg 120521:
February 22, 2025 - Msg 120522:
Hazel, I’d have been ok with Ellie too, or even Mary who liked to look at germs under a microscope.
To whom it may concern: Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush, Leonard Blush.
Charlotte Tucker
February 22, 2025 - Msg 120523:
February 23, 2025 - Msg 120524:
Hey Hazel!! If you remember, could you share that potato salad recipe with me here on my facebook messenger, please? Concerning Peggy, I was trying to think like a man. As far as favorite girlfriends of Andy's I liked the original nurse, the one who tried to vaccinate Hollister with a vaccine. I think her name was Julie Adams in real life.
February 24, 2025 - Msg 120525:
"vaccinate Hollister with a vaccine"...well, that was redundant.
I got discombobulated cause Bruce came in from work and was asking me questions. I had originally typed "Tet@nus" vaccine and the censor caught me (for obvious reasons) so I just deleted it.
February 24, 2025 - Msg 120526:
I'll send you the potato salad recipe, Boo, although you may not like it since it does have boiled egg in it.
February 25, 2025 - Msg 120527:
Thanks, Hazel! I would just omit the boiled egg.
February 26, 2025 - Msg 120528:
Hello all. Well, I think i will finally be a 'reg'lar' again
here on the porch. I had to deal with social security, life ins. co.
and other entities, but that is finally winding down. I am trying to also
send thank yous to most of the, yes, 105 cards that I received from folks! Of course,
I miss Cecile terribly, but also realize that life must go on.
Besides, just think, like Rev, Tom, Ro, Asa, and others, she has
now SEEN JESUS face to face!!! How cool is that? :)
A couple of tags observations from some recent episodes that I have watched:
1) In the episode where Peggy gets splashed with mud, why did she drive to
her house in a station wagon instead of her fancy T-Bird? Hmmm.
2)and In the escaped cons episode, if Floyd's car was out of gas, and they
did not actually get any at O'Malley's, how did they drive it into town,
and did Floyd walk back to where it was parked to drive it into
town? ha How did it suddenly start? OK, I've watched it too many times! :)
Good to see Spot, Hazel and others here on the porch. Boo, my prayers
for Sean. How is Erin these days? Your kids have sure been thru a lot.
I still like Andy's response after Julie Adams (Nurse Mary #1) kisses him
on the jaw, and Barney asks him about it... "It was better than a mule's nose!"
Well, friends, keep looking up!
February 26, 2025 - Msg 120529:
Oops, longer than I thought!
February 26, 2025 - Msg 120530:
Happy Wednesday folks thought I would check in from work today. Sitting and waiting on my next client to come in so thought it was a perfect time for a check point chickee.
I have been dealing with sinus symptoms this week. Not feeling really badly but just drippy. We have had some relatively warmer days and then it turned cold with ice and snow last week and not back to the upper 60's this week. Not sure if that has contributed to my symptoms or not. Hopefully it will run its course by the weekend.
It's good to see MDC rocking again. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Prayers for Sean BOO. I hope he is doing better and Erin is ok.
Hey to Charlotte Tucker, Hazel, SPOT, BOO and everyone else around the porch.
Lunch menu will: cheeseburgers with all the fixings, chips and a big browine for dessert.
Prayers and blessings to call
Big Maude
February 27, 2025 - Msg 120531:
Good to see you, MDC. So glad you will be back on the porch regular. Thank you for those prayers for my family (and you too, Maude!). He is doing so much better and seems to be gaining alot from the therapy. Erin is doing better but still has so many things to deal with in her young life with her health and addiction. Thank you for asking about her. One day at a time.
Sorry you are feeling poorly, Maude. Hope you are doing better.
I am on diabetic medication that works beautifully on my blood sugars and liver function but has to be increased from time to time and I always feel very tired and yucky for a few days. That is where I am now. Trying to be easy on myself till it passes. Have had a few days off from work but tomorrow will be a busy one.
The weather here is warm again. Trying to take things one minute at a time and not worry about the state of things in the world.
Lets keep rocking,
February 27, 2025 - Msg 120532:
PS-thanks for lunch Maude!
March 01, 2025 - Msg 120533:
Good morning,Porchsters-Thought I'd check in before y'all form a posse! Hanging in there, Mr. Possum is coming along very well with his speech,still gets confused over some things but with a lot of cautious optimism I'll say that things are getting better. Lots of other worries,with him no longer able to work,finances are an issue. He did not prepare at all for a life changing event such as a stroke. Just praying and taking it day by day.That's all anyone can do.
Oh, today is his birthday so I left some cake and celebrating elixir on the porch-y'all enjoy!
Love & prayers for all.
possum u.a.r.
March 02, 2025 - Msg 120534:
My prayers continue for both of you possum.
It sure sounds like things are coming along,
but I know how hard caregiving
can be. Be sure to keep yourself in good
health as you go thru this together.
God bless, Good Sabbath,
March 02, 2025 - Msg 120535:
Thank you so much, MDC. My prayers continue for you.
Good Sabbath,all!
possum again
March 02, 2025 - Msg 120536:
March 02, 2025 - Msg 120537:
Good Sabbath, all! Happy birthday to Mr. Possum! Glad his health is improving. Thanks for the cake and elixir, possum! 🎶”Too too Tootsie, goodbye; too too Tootsie, don’t cry!” C’mon everybody and SiNG! 🎤
Hey back to you, Big Maude! Glad to see several porch sitters!
Charlotte Tucker
March 03, 2025 - Msg 120538:
"We will NOT sing!" :)
March 03, 2025 - Msg 120539:
Hey Porch...we've got some authority! Let's use it!
John Masters
March 04, 2025 - Msg 120540:
Morning, John Masters! Is that a line from TAGS? Sorry, it's not ringing a bell...
March 04, 2025 - Msg 120541:
Hazel - a line from Uncle Ollie during "Family Visit."
John Masters
March 04, 2025 - Msg 120542:
March 04, 2025 - Msg 120543:
Ollie, dont turn on the siren!
Another classic line from another episode:
"Miss Bee, your kisses is mighty valuable, but to be honest with ya,
they just aint worth the pain." :)
March 05, 2025 - Msg 120544:
(That's from "my" episode!)
Guess who- lol
March 05, 2025 - Msg 120545:
March 06, 2025 - Msg 120546:
Has to be our porch possum. Still under her rock, I see.
March 06, 2025 - Msg 120547:
Hey Hazel!! Yep,that was me up there,wanting to write my Sen-tence! Your education was worth every penny!
possum u.a.r.
March 08, 2025 - Msg 120548:
HI ALL! I have often wondered if the line by Andy about the
hungry buzzard being named DON was a type of 'tribute' to Don Knotts
like they did with Frank Myers. We may have discussed this in the past, but Im not sure.
BTW, thanks again to all of you for the words of condolence.
I received over 100 cards from the many people that she knew, and some
that she didnt really know.
She was so loved, and that was for sure the proof! :)
I am still dealing with insur@nce companies, ets, but am finally almost
all done now.
BTW, we got a good gully washer of a rainstorm today, and it was
so very much needed, it all soaked into the ground very quickly!
But sunny again for the next week.
Gods graces upon you all,
March 08, 2025 - Msg 120549:
Hey porch! Good to see you all and hear the TAGS banter. Glad things are going ok, MDC; I know you are missing Cecile. We could use that rain here. My son’s pond in his woods (not Old Man Kelsey’s) is really really low. It is starting to thaw, so we did have an area we tried to fish today, but so far I think the fish are still hunkering down. Maybe the time change will wake them up!
Charlotte Tucker
March 10, 2025 - Msg 120550:
Sorry I have been away so long, folks. I have been working my tail off for the past week trying to cover for nurses who were out. Finally have a day off so thought I would drop by and say hello.
Its a beautiful day here in south texas with perfect sunny weather. Not going to enjoy adjusting to the time change this week but having daylight a little longer is nice. It is already looking like spring around here. The bermuda grass is sprouting new green growth and a few wildflowers are starting to pop up. Soon it will be Easter and we are planning a big BBQ here on the homestead.
By the way, big news...good news. I asked you all to pray for my best friend who was told she had lung cancer. After further diagnostics, it was determined that it was NOT cancer after all and we are over the moon! So relieved and happy. Thank you to those of you who prayed.
Well, now that I finally have a day off, I am going to throw open all the windows, do some cleaning and cooking and finish up the laundry. I guess its not really a day off now is it? Life goes on and things must be done.
See you all next time,
March 11, 2025 - Msg 120551:
🎶”Balmy and life- … Ba Ba Balmy and life- Balmy and life-giving breezes are blowing! 🎶