June 23, 2024 - Msg 119997:

Good Sabbath to all! More later. MDC

June 25, 2024 - Msg 119998:

Well, my boys cleaned the Taylor front porch better
than we cleaned our Darling cabin
when Aunt Bee was wielding her spoon! :)

June 25, 2024 - Msg 119999: It's DANG hot!! Heat index currently 105 at possum's rock. Hope y'all are staying cool!

Good sweep,MDC!

possum under a scalded rock

June 27, 2024 - Msg 120000:


:) Guess who?

June 28, 2024 - Msg 120001:

"Gomer, Gomer, Gome..."

June 28, 2024 - Msg 120002: Hello to everyone. Wanted to drop in for a spell.

Not much new around here. Working more and getting those computer skills down so I don't have to spend quite as much time on the computer as I used to.
So, MDC, you had some home health nurse talking about all the computer work? ha It is universal, thanks to Medicare. Hope things are working out with PT/OT for Cecille.

MDC, thanks for the TKAM video. I do love that movie, and you are right, that is where my "Boo" title originated.

We got lots of rain during the tropical depression but not as much as some area. No flooding here, just lots and lots of mosquitos (still!).

I am glad it is Friday. I am ready for a weekend. I am on call this weekend but doesnt look like a busy one.

Ya'll stay cool!


July 01, 2024 - Msg 120003: I would have guessed Everyone's Gone to the Moon was Peter and Gordon. Hard to believe July is here. I will enjoy some fireworks on the 4th, but I have some neighbors who don't know when to stop. More annoying than Gomer singing about a No Account Mule.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 03, 2024 - Msg 120004:

HI EVERYONE! My, the porch has sure been sparsely populated lately,
so I am hoping that all are just enjoying summer.
In fact around these parts we dont call it global warming,
we just call it Summer! haha
BOO- so good to see your post. Glad your job and computer skills are
going well, and that you had no storm damage!
A few Mayberry items: This past Sunday ME-TV showed a bunch of shows
with 'wedding themes,' sort of like June wedding days, and in the tags where
Barney is in Charlene's wedding dress, I realized for the first time that the preacher
is Billy Ray the postman! Never dawned on me before. I guess he was moonlighting. :)
Then, back to being shown 'in order' the Christmas episode was on last night,
and EVERY time I still tear up when old Ben is looking thru the bars and singing "the little Lord Jesus
asleep on the hay."
Then tonight was the "Mayberry Goes Hollywood" ep, and the movie man says that the oak tree
is full of something like "twinkgetterlers." Anyone know what he is actually saying?
Some sort of bird perhaps? Thx.
Hey to Billy Ray. Yes, I think that was Peter and Gordon. Remember Lady Godiva? ha
Hang in there folks, and stop by and set for a spell.

July 03, 2024 - Msg 120005: Hey MDC, it may be slightly possible I appeared in a color episode as Emmett's brother in law.

Billy Ray the Postman

July 03, 2024 - Msg 120006: Nice read about Floyd, with several quotes from our Floyd. Maybe it's been posted here before, but it was new to me.


Billy Ray the Postman

July 03, 2024 - Msg 120007: I never noticed that about Billy Ray either, MDC.

Well, seems we have a hurricane getting too close for comfort. Hoping it's not another Harvey. Too son to tell yet. We are having a gathering here for the fourth and then, depending on what happens, we may be preparing and boarding up windows.

No other news since my last visit.


July 04, 2024 - Msg 120008:

Very nice Billy Ray. I had not seen that one! mdc

July 04, 2024 - Msg 120009: Happy Independence Day, Porchsters! Enjoy & stay safe!

Hoping the hurricane doesn't head your way, Boo. Prayers being sent for all in its path-that's one to be worried about. Y'all be safe.

possum u.a.r.

July 04, 2024 - Msg 120010: 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

July 04, 2024 - Msg 120011:

HI all! Barney's wearing his special "Hollywood"
uniform today! :)
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Have fun and stay safe out there.


July 05, 2024 - Msg 120012: MDC that wasn't Peter and Gordon. It was a hit for a singer named Jonathan King.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 05, 2024 - Msg 120013: MDC, I believe Mayor Pike said:
"Because it's full of twig
girdlers and it's an eyesore."
I think a girdler is a type of beetle.
I hope everyone is having a good summer.

July 05, 2024 - Msg 120014: Hey all! Good to hear your voices! Glad your work is going well, Boo, and I hope no hurricane darkens your doors. MDC, praying for Cecile and you. I hope you are both doing well. Very busy here my husband and I are putting in a new downstairs bathroom ourselves—in our house built in the 1860s. No fun. Had a good fourth with family. Been harvesting garden produce and picking black raspberries and blackberries. Hey to Billy Ray, Hazel, and possum. APB for Big Maude and Poor Horatio, spot and others.
Charlotte Tucker

July 06, 2024 - Msg 120015:

Thanks for all your continued prayers. G-F, where ya hiding
these days!
Hazel, thanks for that explanation. Must be something 'southern!' :)
They speak it real good ya know. ha
Wow Charlotte, that is quite a project that you are undertaking.
Did that 1860 house really come with an indoor bathroom,
or was it added later, and you are refurbrishing it?
Later gators,

July 06, 2024 - Msg 120016: MDC...I’m still here...Just busy finishing things and getting ready for the Meet-Up It’s coming up really soon.

Mr. & Mrs. Maude are coming too..🙌🏻 Always nice to see our extended Mayberry Family....Possum, It’s never to late to change your mind and decide to come you know where to find me...lol....Just Sayin’


July 06, 2024 - Msg 120017: Wish I could make it up there,G-F but unfortunately my vehicle isn't up to the trip.Been away from Mayberry too long and I sure miss it.

Speaking of trips,I happen to know that Mr. & Mrs. Spot the Talking Dog are on a special getaway to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to Spot & Martha!!And many more!!

Looks like Boo will be getting a visit from Hurricane Beryl. That storm worries me,sure hope they won't get hit too hard. Saw on Facebook where Sean posted that they've boarded up the windows in preparation. Sending many prayers their way and to all in the path of that storm. Y'all send some prayers their way,too,please.

Heat index here today got up to 110-danged hot!! I hear thunder,so perhaps some rain's coming to cool us down-sure hope so!

Take care,Porch Family!

possum u.a.r.

July 06, 2024 - Msg 120018: I'm sitting listening to Gordon Lightfoot singing, "If I could read your mind, Love..." and I thought of Asa and just broke down. He loved that song. I really, really miss him and Romeena. Every time I lose another loved one I feel like my heart is wearing away. It scares me. I dont ever want to harder my heart to love.

Looks like we might get a hurricane but not a strong one, or might just get some wind and rain. I cant believe we are dealing with this so early in the season. Its crazy. (thanks Charlotte Tucker). <3

Hope you all are having a blessed and safe weekend. I love you all.


July 07, 2024 - Msg 120019: Hey to all! Well, no, MDC, there wasn’t a bathroom in our house until the 1960s when my dad put one in. He and his two business partners were the first in our area to own manual wand car washes. So he used leftover copper tubing from them to put in a half bath. It has worked fine for years, but there were no shut-off valves, so we had to shut off the main. However, there’s never been a shower in it, so we are adding that. Plumbing from the old cellar into a crawl space under an old porch is no fun! This place has some real hassles when remodeling, but my husband has remodeled almost the whole thing, and I love it. My kids were the 5th generation of our family to live in our house. Have fun at Mayberry, G-F and Maude. Too bad about your car, possum. 🙁 Prayers for Boo and those in the line of Beryl. We are to get heavy rain from it here in IL. Happy anniversary to Mr. & Mrs. Spot!
Good Sabbath!
Charlotte Tucker

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120020: A crawl space under an old porch, Charlotte? I don't know, it's dark down there, could be spiders!

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120021: Hazel, Might even be a possum under a rock! 😳
Charlotte Tucker

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120022: Whew porch friends it's 85 degrees today here in PA.Hope you all are staying cool on your ends of the porch.I just read about the Mayberry meetup when is it?-ky girl

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120023: Is it in Mt Airy?

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120024: Charlotte,if it's cool, I'm there-spiders and all!
Feels like 103 right now at my rock-dang!

Hey, ky girl! Good to see you! The Mayberry Meetup is in Mt. Airy. I went once & met G-F. It's a great time,if you ever get the chance to attend,you'd enjoy yourself.
Hope Boo & family is ready for the hurricane. Looks like it's lost some of its punch but I know from experience that those smaller scale ones can be real trouble makers. Prayers for those in its path.

possum again

July 07, 2024 - Msg 120025: KY Girl....Here’s the link...Theres still time...More the Merrier..


July 07, 2024 - Msg 120026: Hazel, if I was a spider, that's exactly where I'd be.

Billy Ray the Arachnophobic Postman

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120027: Stay Safe Boo....Keeping Y’all in our prayers hopefully the hurricane won’t bring too much punch...G-F

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120028: MESSAGE REMOVED

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July 08, 2024 - Msg 120069: MESSAGE REMOVED

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120070: Hurricane missed us completely! yay..I was hoping for some rain but thats ok.


July 08, 2024 - Msg 120071: My goodness, I'm not sure what all those messages were up there, but I can't hear their amenities!

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120072: I cleaned up a little mess here on the porch. Hopefully that'll fix the problem.

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120073: I don't know if the hurricane did that or Floyd went to hitting a spider on the site with a hammer. Anyways, a little trivia about the greatest US President. What was Calvin Coolidge's first name?

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120074: Glad to hear it Boo. Did you evacuate?
I plumb forgot to sign my last post.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120075: Thank you G-F and Possum for the info on the Mayberry meetup.I am going to see if I can get away to go.It sounds like fun,!

July 08, 2024 - Msg 120076: Maybe Floyd’s been over to Jubal Foster’s barn or visiting the Morrison sisters. 🤔 That was some crazy mess back there! Glad he swept it up. Billy Ray, Calvin Coolidge didn’t say everything! Glad everyone is safe from Beryl.
Charlotte Tucker

July 09, 2024 - Msg 120077:

So glad you and yours are OK Boo!
And GF, you too! I know your creativity must
be in overdrive! :) I've been seeing Grainger TV commercials
here recently (an ad blitz) and I always think of you and ASA,
and how you'd have extra motors etc, always staying 'ahead of the game!'
CHARlotte, thanks for the potty explanation. Before that one
was put in, I'm sure it had an outhouse! My, what amazing people...
no AC, no instant foods, no showers or running water or electricity, etc!
I hope your project doesn't run into any snags!
Hey to possum, Billy Ray Floyd and all!
God bless,
MDC :)

July 09, 2024 - Msg 120078: Calvin Coolidge's first name was John.
I confess I googled it.
Dirty me, dirty me, I'm disgusted with myself.

July 11, 2024 - Msg 120079:

G-F--be sure to say "hey" to everyone for us!


July 13, 2024 - Msg 120080: Greetings Front Porch: when did Mayberry decide to govern itself without a mayor and be headed up by town councilman Sam Jones? MBM

July 14, 2024 - Msg 120081: Praying for former President Trump,the loved ones of the dead & injured at yesterday's rally,& for the USA. God bless us all.

possum u.a.r.

July 15, 2024 - Msg 120082:

HELLO FOLKS... MY EMAIL ACCT got hacked, so if you get an
'e-invitation' from me for a big event, IT IS NOT FROM ME!!!
Please do not open it. I have changed my password.

Yes Possum, praying for our whole country. Lord help us and
be with us.

Starting this coming week, we will have a CNA from a company called
Home Instead come for 4 hours a day to help my wife with dressing, etc, and
light house work, etc,
and to also free up my time to do shopping and so forth.
It has really been hard on me trying to do it all these days.
Thanks for your continued prayers as she is doing pretty good still.
Hang in there my friends, and GF and Big Maude, send us a report
from the 'meet up convention!' :)

July 15, 2024 - Msg 120083: I wish the whole world was like Mayberry, where the biggest political intrigue was hot water running to the fountain. Keep looking up.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 16, 2024 - Msg 120084: Good evening porch. Didn’t Clara Edwards use two names on TAGS? Wasn’t her other name Clara Johnson? MBM

July 17, 2024 - Msg 120085: Billy Ray - Or how to get rid of a cannon. Or what colors balloons for the Apricot Festival.

MBM - Yes. Both names.

John Masters

July 17, 2024 - Msg 120086: Hello Friends, hope you are staying cool.

Not alot of news here. To answer Billy Ray's question; no, we didnt evacuate for Beryl. Kept a close eye on things and would have left if it had become a category 3. We stay for 1 and 2 but once its a three we dont take any chances. I feel so sorry for the people in Houston suffering in this heat.

MDC, I am happy to hear that you will have a CNA to help.

I put in my notice to the home health agency in Corpus that I had first started working for. there are some problems at that agency and it was time to go. I am still working for an agency closer to home.

Woke up this morning to a good thunderstorm with rain and I love it.

Better go get my coffee and start the day. Have a mandatory meeting this morning. Hope you all have a great day.


July 17, 2024 - Msg 120087: Well...Maude & Mr. Maude and I are off to the Meet-Up tomorrow, chances of rain ☔️ but we don’t let that stop us atop the show goes on rain or shine!... In the past Floyd projects the episodes from the gazebo and folks sit in their cars and tune their radios in like Drive In movie style....

We will post about it.....G-F

July 17, 2024 - Msg 120088: I think Clara was Bertha in one episode. I think I need to attend next year's meetup. I'll work on that.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 18, 2024 - Msg 120089:

HI ALL! Sorry for being a bit scarce lately. Have been prepping the house for the Home Instead worker who started today. I think it
went well and cecile likes her too! This will free me up to get
'outside' things, like shopping, done with much more peace of mind! :)
Have also been trying to watch some of the confab.

GF and Maudie, have a great time!
Billy Ray, remember, there is also Mayberry Days in Sept.

BOO- good to hear from you. So glad you made it thru ok.
Did you board up the windows or anything like that?
I sure hope the current agency works out for ya.

Medwin, Bill Medwin-here's how I like to think of Clara's name...
Maybe Clara Johnson was the name of her husband, as she does speak of "him."
But then went back to her maiden name of Edwards. Of course this is all just my little
thoughts on a ficticious character anyway. Ha! But Bertha? hmmm.

JM--how goes it? You mean we cant get Japanese lanterns? ha
A channel I get called Catchy Comedies had a Mayberry RFD binge this past weekend;
and I see what MBM means, suddenly no mention of a sheriff, just Sam Jones the councilman!
Oh well, was a nice spinoff.

Well, this summer has been a little better than last, so that has been good.
God bless,
MDC :)

July 19, 2024 - Msg 120090:

Rest in Peace Bob Newhart, one of the greats! :(


July 19, 2024 - Msg 120091: I looked it up in Mayberry Wiki, and Clara was called Bertha twice in season 1. Episodes Opie and Andy Housekeepers and Andy Forecloses.


Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 20, 2024 - Msg 120092:

Billy Ray, your education was worth every penny! :) mdc

July 20, 2024 - Msg 120093: Why thank you mdc. I'm proud, real proud, of my special award for learning.

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

July 21, 2024 - Msg 120094: I didn't realize Clara went by different last names.I didn't get to go to the Mayberry meet up but I am anxious to hear how it went from the porch family who went.MDC glad to hear Cecile has help she likes.That sure makes a difference.I haven't heard you mention Pappa Bear lately.How is he? -ky girl

July 21, 2024 - Msg 120095: For those who have been inquiring, the one I bought in Raleigh uses 3 D cell batteries.


July 22, 2024 - Msg 120096: Party at O'Malley's cabin tonight- it's homemaker's birthday!

Happy Birthday, homemaker!

possum u.a.r.

July 22, 2024 - Msg 120097: Great time at the Meet-Up..I’m still recovering from the long drive, I felt like had run the Indy 500 race…More to come..G-F

July 22, 2024 - Msg 120098: Hey porch family! Good to get caught up on the goings on here. Glad Boo and G-F survived the storm, that Cecile is getting some in-home health and stress relief for MDC. You’re pretty good with the trivia, Billy Ray. As far as Clara goes, in the pickle episode, it almost sounds like Andy says “Miss Johnston” ( with a “t” in it)! And speaking of two names: Emma was both Emma Brand and Emma Watson. Still working on the renovations of the old bathroom. We should have done it years earlier. All the getting up and down working on the plumbing is hard on my husband. But we are still making progress. Take care all!
Charlotte Tucker

July 23, 2024 - Msg 120099:

Hey to Charlotte and all! Yes, the new helper is working out
well so far. Thanks for the prayers. Boy, that plumbing can be
tough if you're not a spring chicken! ha
BTW, in the pickle episode I never understood why Bee, a really good cook and baker,
could be so bad at making pickles! Andy loved her apple crumb pie, for example.
Oh yes, then there would be no wonderful pickle episode!! :) haha

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR HOMEMAKER!! Drop by and say hello sometime.

GF and Possum, good to see ya. GF; once you get your second wind, please
give us a report. Possum, thanks for the par-TAH, except for the burnt burgers.
Keep cool and God bless,

July 23, 2024 - Msg 120100: Hey Gang...Here is Floyd’s link to the live videos that he did for the Meet-Up...We had some rain ☔️ but it didn’t stop the fun time we were having....Maude & Mr. Maude came to our Club meeting at a local restaurant for our Second Annual Eat & Meet. I was presented with a vintage squad car police radio that was turned into a Bluetooth speaker 🔈 for my Mayberry Room.

How cool was that!...Dennis our “Asa Breeny” Tribute Artist made it for me!...

Here’s the link... https://www.facebook.com/TwoChairs

I HIGHLY SUGGEST y’all try to make it to the Meet-Up or Mayberry Days or some of the other Mayberry events, you too can have the time of your lives hanging with Mayberry Folks.

*Theres even a Mayberry cruise in the fall after Mayberry Days!

Goober Fife ...Tired as a Dog, but had the time of my life!

July 24, 2024 - Msg 120101:

Hey to Goober-Fife, sounds like another great time with
Mayberry folks! Sure wish I could swing it some day.
Thanks for the update. Glad that maudie made it too!!
Right now I have a bit of a hitch in my get-along;
wont be slinging any bags of peat moss over my shoulder
for a while. The old guy Authur Ritis is acting up
in my neck and shoulder. Been doing the heat and cold on it.
Our summer temps continue, but its still better than
last summer! :)
Prayers for all,

July 25, 2024 - Msg 120102:

Hello again! Here is a toughie...
In which episode did Andy tell another sheriff
that he'll send him some sourwood honey?
That would be a good one for Mayberry Days! :)

July 26, 2024 - Msg 120103:

Oh, and KY GIRL, I recently sent a letter
to pappabear. I will let you know when I hear back. MDC

July 26, 2024 - Msg 120104: MDC, I think it was The Fun Girls episode.

July 27, 2024 - Msg 120105:

Wow Hazel! Yes, that is correct!! Very good! :)
But which of the two eps? ha

July 30, 2024 - Msg 120106:

H E L L O!!!


July 30, 2024 - Msg 120107: Happy Tuesday folks!
Storming and raining on my end of the porch this morning. Flooding in some areas. We live about and hour and a half from Dollywood and they had some flash flooding on Sunday afternoon in the park. From the pictures video's it was pretty bad.

Mr. Maude and I did attend the Mayberry meet up and had a grand ole time. It was great to see GF and the rest of my Mayberry family. As GF said we did have some rain but it didn't stop the fun. Wish you all could come join us next year.

Not much else to report on my end, still working Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. My kiddos are doing good, and Mr. Tripp is growing like a weed. He is 8 months old, crawling and pulling up to everything he can come in contact with.

Prayers for Ceclile, Boo, MDC, Hazel,John Mastera, Billy Ray,GF CT and Possum,Clara, MBMand everyone else that I may of missed.

Lunch menu will be: Cheeseburgers with all the fixings, chips, baked beans. Brownies for dessert.
tea and/or lemonade to drink.

Prayers for all around

Big Maude

July 31, 2024 - Msg 120108: The fun girls were actually in three episodes, MDC. I believe it was the middle one, called "The Fun Girls" that had the sourwood honey line.
Thanks for the prayers Big Maude!

August 02, 2024 - Msg 120109:

HI ALL! Sorry i have been away from the porch recently, just got busy
with life's "stuff," including our state primary on Tuesday.
But I do have something to tell you that may top the McCallister case...
we ordered an adjustable bed base and new mattress, mainly for Cecile,
as she now has to sleep with her head raised, and then feet raised in the
morning. Anyway, we did it thru JCPenny, and somehow they managed to 'lose' it!
It was way overdue, so I went to the store where we ordered it, and they said thatthat it was delivered and signed for!!! What? Any proof? They called a
special order line and the guy emailed them a copy of a receipt with a
little squigly line for a signature. As I looked closely at the sheet, it was a sheet
showing that it was delivered to the Phx trucking co warehouse. Found out it had been there
for a week already, but no one called me for a delivery date. Long story short, it is suppose
to be here tomorrow (Friday!) So we shall see. :( But very disappointed in Penny's.

Big Maude, glad you and the mister had a good time. Sure wish i wasnt so far away.
Did you hear any more about how Dollywood faired?
Very cool about Tripp. I bet you are a dotting grammy. :)
BTW, i got a cool email from GF showing the "radio award" award that he was given.
I noticed that it is even a Motorola like in the show.
Well-deserved GF...way to go! 10-4

Someone above asked about pappa bear. Well, I got a nice letter from him today.
Still the health issues of course, and how the VA hospital now has his name on the door of
a room there! (he's kidding of course) ha He says hello to everyone on the porch. Drop him a line if
you get a chance.
Still hot here, but all things considered, all is pretty good.
Peace and Prayers,

August 02, 2024 - Msg 120110:

Oh yes, thanks Hazel!

August 02, 2024 - Msg 120111:

H A P P Y - B I R T H D A Y - TO BOO!!! :)

August 02, 2024 - Msg 120112: Hello Porchsters. Things are slow in these parts, which I like. There's times I just want to say to Life, "What's your hurry?"

Billy Ray the Retired Postman

August 04, 2024 - Msg 120113: Hey y'all- Checking in ahead of Tropical Storm Debby. Looks like we are in for a LOT of rain here in SC. Might rival the flood of 2015 ,which was quite devastating for out state. Please keep us all in your prayers because this thing is supposed to stall out and sit there for several days dumping water on us. Poor Charleston & the coastal areas! And prayers for Florida too,as it will hit them as at least a CAT 1 hurricane. Y'all take care and I'll keep ya posted as long as I don't get too waterlogged!

possum u.a.r.

August 04, 2024 - Msg 120114: OUR state,not out- sorry.

possum again

August 05, 2024 - Msg 120115: Time to bring out those BIG ROCKS Possum....⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️...G-F

August 06, 2024 - Msg 120116:
Possum-thanks for posting. Yes, prayers for you,
SC, and Florida. Keep under that rock! :)

August 07, 2024 - Msg 120117: Hey y'all- Just checking in. Things are mighty wet at my rock but doing good. Laci & her mom have gotten much heavier rain,as they're nearer the coast,but they are fine so far. From what's being predicted,we have 2 more days of Debby & then she's on her way up North. Lots of flooding and damage in Lowcountry SC,so y'all say some prayers for those folks,please. Take care,everybody.

possum again

August 07, 2024 - Msg 120118: Sounds like Possum has her wading boots 🥾 on and she’s Ok...🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾....G-F

August 07, 2024 - Msg 120119: Possum He ain’t no Dr. Pendyke But he does know his mud!.

August 07, 2024 - Msg 120120: Don’t know about you guys, but I can see Ernest T Bass dancing the Muddy Possum dance on this one.
But maybe it’s just Me.?....G-F