~ Mrs. Wiley
(in baratone) "...Leaning on The Arms, Leaning on The Arms, safe and secure from all alarm..."
~ Mrs. Wiley
Yep, "Fun Girls get Arrested" what an eppisode! I love the way they finally handle the problem at the epilogue.
~ Mrs. Wiley
~ Mrs. Wiley
Good Morning to the porch! ~ Mrs. Wiley
~ Mrs. Wiley
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 15, 2002 - Msg 7452:
June 15, 2002 - Msg 7453:
Shazam. Jackson, you're really ept at this computer know-how. Those instructions worked fine. I'm just too chicken to try em. I'm afraid I'll break the porch or some durn thing. I'll just stick with my italics. Good luck today, Asa. Salty, you say they're not, but I do think your jaw muscles are twitchin. I too wonder where Rock is. The worst part is, he took the crock with him. And Mavis. Must be busy with the band. Well, off to the garden.
- Hazel
Barney: No mistake about it - that's a pickle.
Andy: Yeah, boy.
June 15, 2002 - Msg 7454:
Hey to Hazel!
Ya been down to old town Temecula lately? That sure was alot of fun down there!....
June 15, 2002 - Msg 7455:
Mr. Weaver: "...some night watchman you are, you slept through the whole thing!"
Asa: "Whadda ya want? I'm up now, ain't I?"Morning Porch, I hope the picnic doesn't get rained out. I'm looking forward to some goat BBQ! Asa, that's some ball of tin foil. Nice and shiney! Salty, the new bed is dreamy! I named it "Big Fluffy".
I watched 5 hrs of the Conf. of Catholic Bishops yesterday. It's a shame that this problem was not dealt with sooner. Looks like when it's all said and done it will be a smaller, but Holier Church. One happy note, we'll have a new Saint by tomorrow morning! OK, I'm off my soapbox now. Continued prayers for the missing Smart girl and all the searchers.
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7456:
Nite porch, yall have a Good Sabbath and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! --Salty Dog
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7457:
Good Sabbath Porch!Peach Turnovers are warming in the oven, and the coffee/tea is on. C[_] D D
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7458:
I'll have some coffee, Mrs. Wiley. No tea or punch thank you.
- Hazel
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7459:
Morning porch, have a good day. Hope all the Fathers on the porch has a good day. See yall later--Salty Dog
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7460:
Happy Father's Day to all you Dads.
Miss Ellie
"Daddy's Hands" a beautiful song done by Holly Dunn. My favorite song about Daddy's.
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7461:
Happy Father's Day to the Porch.

For those who can listen to MP3, here's a good song.
You can buy the album here.
June 16, 2002 - Msg 7462:
Thanks Sheldon, for that picture of Andy and Opie. I hope everyone had a good weekend, seems like it's been kinda quiet around here.
- Hazel
Barney: It was my daddys rock.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7463:
It has been quiet. Guess everyone spending the day with there Dads. I spent some time with mine, afraid I ain't gonna have to many more with him. Hope thats not the case though.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7464:
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7465:
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7466:

June 17, 2002 - Msg 7467:
Folks....please be careful doing "graphics" or any other HTML coding. I had to fix the porch (and there were spiders under there) because it got broken by bad coding by somebody.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7468:
Thank you Floyd! What would we do without you? You gotta watch those spiders, they'll bite ya. Didja ever watch a spider catch a keyword? Amazing ain't the word for it.You're right Asa, there won't be too many more Father's Days to spend with them. I'm going to see my Dad later this week - a belated Father's day. It didn't seem right to hit him up for money on "his day". ;-)
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7469:
Whew, thanks Floyd.
Hey Mrs. Wiley, how goes it? Is it warm down there in Florida? Are you keeping Romeena in line? How's the new matress? I like the name you gave it. Take care everyone. Thanks again Floyd.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7470:
Keep Romeena in line? You gotta be kidding! She's a wiley woman (no pun intended). Just kidding, It's a wet one down here today, but there's sunshine every day in the mornings, w/late afternoon showers. temp's in the low 90's. Calvin coolidge said that. I'm sure Ro and the Plum are jet skiing all over tarnation!My doc cancelled my checkup today. 3 ladies decided to go into labor at the same time. He's booked solid all this week, and is on vacation the following week. So you know what that means...an extra week off of work!!
All together now... AWWWWW.
Big Fluffy sez 'hey'
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7471:
That is, I get an extra week (not the Doc).
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7472:
Yer a mess Mrs. Wiley. LOL Bless yer heart.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7473:
I'm BAAACCKK!!! Did ya'll miss me? I sure enjoyed the beach, but I wasn't there long enough! Wonder what causes that?? We had a great time & the weather was wonderful! I left a big ol' box of Salt Water Taffy on the table there on the porch, no fighting over it now! Off to pick up my young 'un he is here with me for a few weeks & he is visitin with my mother for the evening. My nephew is leaving Wed. for Knoxville & will ship out from there on Thurs. Prayers for him & all the other new Navy boys going with him. (prayers for us as well, his aunt *Mavis is getting all choked up about him leaving & we won't even begin to talk about how his mom is taking it!) Ya'll have a good one & altho it is good to be home, I'd rather be posting from the beach!
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7474:
Mavis is back. Yahoooo. We missed you girl.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7475:
Hello Porchsters: Just wanted to check in and tell ya'll I'm still living...even though I move rather slow! Been laid up with the misery in my back. Too much liftin' heavy boxes and tryin' to get organized and unpacked...wonder what causes that? But just in time one of the youn' uns brought me Asa's miracle AD2K and Yahoooo I'm cured! Glad Mrs. Wiley is back on the mend and has an extry week to rest. (Don't ya just love babies' timing?) Drop on by, I need a rest and reason to sit on the porch. ~New Neighbor
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7476:
Hey Asa and Mrs. Wiley, glad to help and get things fixed. They weren't missed up tooo bad.
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7477:
Hey yall, thanky Floyd, I couldn't post this morning. Good to have ya back Mavis. That salt water taffy is GOOD. Hazel took all the pink ones though. You gotta watch her. Well my friends got back together over the weekend. So that is a good thing. Good to see them happy again. Well now we got Mavis back now if we could just get Rock back too we'd be doing good. Yall have a good evening and I will see yall later--Salty Dog
June 17, 2002 - Msg 7478:
Hello. I couldn't post this morning either. Thanks Floyd for fixing the porch. Thanks for bringing the salt water taffy, Mavis. Nice to have you back. Salty, I did not take all the pink ones, I left two in the bowl. Mrs. Wiley, you poor dear, having to stay home one more week. I really feel bad for you.
- Hazel
Barney: Oh, yeah, you gotta spend a quid and some bobs to get anything decent.
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7479:
"Leonard Blush! Leonard Blush! Is that all you ever think of is LEONARD BLUSH?"
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7480:
I'm just glad I didn't get a spider bite when I was under there fixing the porch. If I had, maybe Gomer would have known what I should do for it? Y'all have a great day!!
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7481:
Morning, porch. Come on everybody. Up and at em!
- Hazel
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7482:
Hi Floyd, didn't see ya. Glad your up. Now I don't wanna hear no more about them spider bites!
- Hazel
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7483:
Floyd, if you were under the porch with Gomer, he might have taken a whack at that spider with his hammer... then 'PFTHTHTH'. I don't know how to spell 'raspberries', but y'all coulda been injured under there.Good Morning Porch! Morning Hazel, Salty, Asa, Floyd, welcome home Mavis, we missed ya! That taffy was yummy! I like the white ones. NN, we missed you too - how ya feeling dear? I got plenty of little blue pills left if you need some @@@.
~ Mrs. Wiley
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7484:
Active here this morning. Goodness. Glad everyone is up and at em'. I love Gomer's reasoning, "If I was a spider, that's where I would be." Glad you didn't get bit Floyd.
Ya'll have a great and Mayberry kind of day.
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7485:
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7486:
Mornin' porch! Gotta a big day planned. My boy's at basketball camp stayin' at a college in a dorm till Thursday. Should be interestin'. He's 11. So my cousin and her little girl's comin' today so the little girl can play with my Abbie. Abbie is very excited. The little girl is only about 6 but Abbie don't care. Glad you're enjoyin' your new bed, Mrs. Wiley. Thanks for the congrats on my anniversary, everybody. Congrats to you on 25, Hazel! Sorry the searchin' hasn't gone better, Asa. A sad thing, a sad, sad thing that little girl missin'. Sorry I missed the picnic. It sounded like a hum dinger! Happy Father's Day to Andy! Opie was a lucky little fella. As are my own younguns! Have a great day!
Charlotte Tucker
P.S. I'm gonna try to track Mavis down!
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7487:
Morning porch, back to the work force today. Glad there aint no more spiders lirking around here. I cant stand them things. I am worse than Gomer. Yall have a good day. See ya later--Salty Dog
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7488:
I'm gonna try that again. The message I wrote above (before Salty chimed in there) has the wrong date. It was yesterday's post that I couldn't post so I saved it and posted it today. My little girl and her cousin had a big time going back and forth from the cold pool to the hot tub, dragging a raft of grass with them each time! I had some work to do on that tub last night but they did have fun! Glad you're back from the beach, Mavis and thanks for the taffy! It's extry good. I wrote this message once and tried to type salt water as one word and I got censored and lost my message! Movin' kinda slow today. Allergies are botherin' me and my daughter. Son called from basketball camp last night. Seems to be doin' well and havin' a good time. Scored 8, 12, and 8 points in the 3 games he played. Have a great day!
Charlotte Tucker
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7489:
Things are great in the Hoosier state!
Glad to see Mavis back:)
((((HUGS)))) to everyone - wonder where DB is?
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7490:
Good afternoon porch. How is ya? Glad all is well in Hoosier land Homemaker. I understand your ground is shaking though so be careful.
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7491:
I'm right here homemaker. I've been having trouble with this dog-gone computer. I finished My Biology class yesterday! Woooooooohoooooooo! I don't know what I made yet. Hopefully good.
I'm FREE! Liberated from the torments of college life! Ah-hahahahahahaha! At least until fall semester starts;)
Well I gotta go finish my book. Boy it's good!
Miss Dixie Belle
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7492:
MERLE DEAN says "Hey"
"Ain'tchya even got a jack ?" (Goober)
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7493:
Yeah, what was up with the quaking today? Hubby, wo is from California, says it was an earthquake. I said, "Oh don't be silly, all my men think the earth moves when I am with them." (Hee Hee!) Dad just called and said it was an earthquake. It must not have measured to big on the Richter Scale
cause I hardly noticed it.
I guess I figured out where the Rock has been. Last night he was on T.V. on WWE RAW. He stood in front of a bunch of screaming fans and yelled, "At last--the Rock--has come back to Chicago." So, there you have it. He is in Chicago.
Gosh that's an even bigger town than Raleigh!!!
Got time to breathe, got time for wrestling. LOL.
Enjoy your break D.B. you deserve it.
Fun Girl
June 18, 2002 - Msg 7494:
evening porch
I've been off line for 4 days, I've been painting the living room . Hope all u daddys had a great day last sunday . My daddy has been gone for 8 yrs I sure miss him. Hey Mavis glad to hear you had a great time, Thanks Floyd for fixin the porch, glad you didn't get a spider bite, I wasn't so lucky today I got a spider bite on the hand. oh me! Where is the Rock? Good night all ....((((((hugs))))))..... Ellen Brown